Justice Served

Extra, Extra: Rapist stabs self in neck. Ah, spontaneous order... In other news, The military is watching you, US constitution notwithstanding. Times version.

Cory Maye Update

The Agitator has an update, with some corrections and clarifications to what has already been said and circulated on the blogosphere, on the Cory Maye case. Also see his archive of posts on it. I do feel horrible about the loss of life of agents carrying out the terroristic policies of the state. But if this guy hangs for shooting an intruder in his home in the middle of the night, I will lose yet another bit of faith in America's criminal justice system. And no, at this point I don't have...

Spain to Indonesia?

On Wednesday, the 8th-grader-in-chief again pitched the most far-fetched of lies during his speech at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. They loved it, of course. In the speech, Bush tried to paint a picture of a dark and terrible future if the US does not keep our soldiers killing and dying in Iraq: that if American military forces were to leave, Osama bin Laden and his Islamo-fascists would become the dictators of all the land from Spain to Indonesia. Bush has pushed this...

Rice: World Not Helping With Saddam Trial

From the AP: WASHINGTON - The world has shirked its duty to help prosecute Saddam Hussein, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Tuesday. "The international community's effective boycott of Saddam's trial is only harming the Iraqi people, who are now working to secure the hope of justice and freedom that Saddam long denied them," Rice said. The top U.S. diplomat also predicted that the Iraqi elections this week would yield the most democratic government "in the entire Middle East." She did...

Seymour Hersh Interview

The transcript of my interview of Seymour Hersh from December 3rd is being run on Antiwar.com today: Check it out: Iraq: State of the Disunion mp3 stream

Just 18 days left in 2005

And still, only 28% understand that Iraq was unarmed, a point which even Fox News has conceded. That slimy piece of gutter filth, Dick Morris, has slithered out from his dank lair to warn the Democrats from sounding too antiwar - it might cost them the support of the American people:A Fox News poll completed Nov. 30 suggests that while half of Americans would like to see a schedule for withdrawal of U.S. troops, a majority feel the war has done good things - and a larger majority feel that...

Saudi America (or Theocracy Now!)

Remember Bernard Kerik, the former nominee for director of the Department of Homeland Security, who had to withdraw his nomination on the count of the fact that he is a criminal? I saw him on Neil Cavuto tonight, during a discussion of how unbearably long it took for the State of California to get their shit together and kill "Tookie" Williams, speaking favorably about the way law and order is handled in Saudi Arabia where he lived for four years. "You get one appeal within 30 days, and then...

Birch Blog

My friend Will Grigg at the New American magazine has a new blog, and he's been writing up a storm. His latest entry, Comply and Submit -- Or Die, which concerns the Federal TSA agent's murder of an unarmed passenger, is spotlighted this weekend at Antiwar.com.

Three Great Interviews

Saturday on the Weekend Interview Show I got two great interviews with Larisa Alexandrovna and Anthony Gregory. Larisa is a great reporter from Raw Story who apparently has sources very close to the Fitzgerald investigation, and Anthony is an anarchist. Archives at weekendinterviewshow.com. (And soon over there in the right column, too.) An hour later, Karen Kwiatkowski had Al Lorentz on her show, American Forum. Update: My God man! Listen to Al Lorentz describe almost shooting a very small...

Prisons and Schools

Back when I was a right-wing minarchist in the late Clinton years, I would recoil at the sight of those meatheaded slogans of the left, especially the ones that trumped up the Nanny State as some sort of preferable alternative to reactionary governance. One such slogan is the one about how it would be great if the Pentagon had to have bake sales to buy bombers, and schools had all the loot they needed. Another, which I had even less sympathy for, is the famous "Schools, Not Prisons" motto....

Saturday Interviews

Saturday from 6-8 pm ESTon the Weekend Interview Show, I'll be talking with Larisa Alexandrovna from Raw Story about the Fitzgerald investigation and related matters. Then in the second hour, my friend Anthony Gregory from the Independent Institute, will return to discuss the question of whether the state really protects anyone at all. Listen Live Archives Then at 9 pm EST, Karen Kwiatkowski, host of the new show American Forum, will be interviewing persecuted non-commissioned officer Al...

Voice Of God Revealed To Be Cheney On Intercom

From The Onion:In a transcript of an intercom exchange recorded in March 2002, a voice positively identified as the vice president's identifies himself as "the Lord thy God" and promotes the invasion of Iraq, as well as the use of torture in prisoner interrogations. A close examination of Bush's public statements and Secret Service time logs tracking the vice president reveals a consistent pattern, one which links Bush's belief that he had received word from God with Cheney's use of the White...