Veteran war correspondent Elijah Magnier returns to the show to discuss his latest article, "Iran is Losing Influence in Iraq: Is Qassem Soleimani the Right Person?" Magnier breaks down the degree to which Iraq and Iran see eye to eye about policy, the political climate in the lead up to elections in Iraq, and explains how it came to be that the Iraqis rejected the aid of their long-term ally Soleimani. Magnier then returns to the Sunni insurgency in Iraq over a decade ago and describes the...
2/2/18 Major Danny Sjursen on the Vietnam War’s legacy in Iraq and Afghanistan
U.S. army major Daniel A. Sjursen joins Scott to talk about his experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq, the supposed military tactics of "The Surge," and his latest piece on the legacy of the Vietnam War, "The War That Never Ends (for the U.S. Military High Command)." Sjursen draws parallels between the Vietnam War and the Iraq and Afghan Wars and makes the case that misconceptions about the Vietnam War have persisted into the tactical approach to the forever wars of the present. Finally Sjursen...
1/3/18 Peter Van Buren on the end of Iraq War 3—and the history of the Iraq War
Heroic whistleblower Peter Van Buren returns to the Scott Horton Show to discuss his latest piece for the American Conservative, "2017: The Year the Iraq War Truly Ended." Van Buren explains what he means by "the war is over" and why it doesn't mean there won't be continued conflict for locals in Iraq. Van Buren then discusses how he categorizes each of the different phases of the Iraq War, which has been going on for three decades. So what happens in Phase Four, once the shooting stops? Van...
11/6/17 Reese Erlich on the political turmoil in Iraqi-Kurdistan and Saudi Arabia
Reese Erlich returns to the show to discuss his latest article for, "US Sells Out the Kurds—Again" Erlich discusses the history of the Kurds in Iraq, America's yo-yoing approach to first supporting then betraying the Kurds, and how it all relates back to today. Scott then brings the discussion to the political turmoil in Saudi Arabia, and what the apparent coup means for the U.S.-Saudi relations and the Middle East generally. Reese Erlich is a nationally syndicated columnist and...
10/13/17 Jason Ditz Updates the Situation in Syria
Managing news editor of Jason Ditz returns to the show to discuss the war in Syria where two separate wars are taking place—against ISIS in the East and al Qaeda in the east. Ditz details all of what we don't know thanks to increased secrecy from the Trump administration, explains what we do know about the continued fight against ISIS in Raqqa, where the U.S. air war has created lots of civilian casualties, and how the Kurds in Syria factor into the U.S. future plans. Scott and...
10/6/17 Greg Lovett on his documentary “Delay, Deny, Hope You Die: How America Poisoned Its Soldiers”
Gregory Lovett joins Scott to discuss his new documentary, "Delay, Deny, Hope You Die: How America Poisoned Its Soldiers" which opens Monday in Los Angeles and across the country over the next month. Buy tickets for an upcoming screening in your area here and watch the extended trailer. Lovett shares the backstory of the documentary, which he was inspired to make after reading Joseph Hickman's book "The Burn Pits." He explains why the United States military decided to burn the massive amounts...
10/2/17 Joe Lauria on the consequences of the Kurdish Referendum
Joe Lauria returns to update the situation in Iraqi Kurdistan after the referendum for an independent Kurdish state passed. Lauria describes the escalating tensions, explains why believes the referendum was a mistake, and how despite the vote, the Kurds are no closer to independence than they were before. Lauria details the history of Kurdish suffering throughout the decades and suggests that this referendum could lead to another precarious situation for the Kurds. Then Lauria touches on how...
The Antiwar Comic: How Much for the War?
Remember Michelle Bachman? Yeah, I'd like to forget her too.
The Antiwar Comic: The Party
Hello all. My name is Tony DiGerolamo and I write comics. I've been a big fan of Scott Horton and his radio show for a long time, having followed it on As an anti-interventionist, I always felt I wasn't doing enough. So one day, I thought, "Well, why not do an antiwar comic? That's what you do. Make comics after all." So, I launched the Antiwar Comic on my website, The Webcomic Factory. It's about all things antiwar, how war impacts people, perceptions of foreign policy--- If...
April 8
Listen Live from 9:00 AM PT – 12:00 AM PT or
Guests: Malalai Joya, Peter Hart, Will Grigg, Gareth Porter
Wikileaks Releases Video of US Choppers Slaying Reporters
Warning: Very Disturbing Footage July 12, 2007 From WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff. Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-site, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded...
Larisa Alexandrovna on Antiwar Radio/you-tube.
A history of the Iraq war, told entirely in lies
This here is a great read: The revision thing by Sam Smith