Original Pin…head

Joe Buck's over siliconed ding bat daughter is at it again. Even celebrity sites are not safe from the Voight family commitment to neo-conservative propaganda. Skip the article and move straight to the video then contemplate the role of the artist as courageous teller of truths.

War Party Tries to Blame Next Guy for Giving Iraq to Iran

But you and I remember that it was Bush and Cheney who installed the Supreme Islamic Council of Abdul Aziz al Hakim and the Iranian revolutionary guard and has been supporting them all along. Well, in case you haven't been able to learn that up until now... Here's some Gareth Porter for you. Also, Iranian intelligence asset John McCain's handler, Ahmad "Hero in error" Chalabi, is suspected by the Defense Intelligence Agency of using his unwitting dupes - like McCain, Richard Perle, Harold...

Gareth Porter interview youtube

I have made a little you-tube of Scott's interview with Gareth Porter, it's in a 6 part play list and i have added a couple of videos and pictures to illustrate some of the points that were made, it ends with a montage of lies from the MSM (mainly fox news).

An Iraq at Peace with Its Neighbors

Well it was before. Now the Turks are bombing the north again (whether actually killing PKK members or not is in dispute) and war with Iran looms. Andrew Cockburn reports in Counter Punch Bush's new "finding" authorizing more covert support for anti-Iranian and anti-Syrian terrorist groups like the MEK, Jundullah and - irony anyone? - the PKK-allied Pejak. The Sunday Times says the military is renewing plans for strikes at Quds Force targets in Iran, a further irony since the Quds Force is the...

Party time in Iran?

has anyone checked the balloons lately? "Hostile" Iran Sparks U.S. Attack Plan "A second American aircraft carrier steamed into the Persian Gulf Tuesday as the Pentagon ordered military commanders to develop new options for attacking Iran." and then Gates trots out his they're killing us in Iraq crock. Not to be outdone, Mullen drops this load... No attacks are imminent and the last thing the Pentagon wants is another war, but Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen has warned Iran...

Brzezinski: Antiwar poseur

Larry Chin, of Online Journal, flaunts the hollow facade of the neoliberal elite cadre and their complete dependency on the millisecond flashes of long-term memory of their audience. Neoliberal elite Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the leading architects of the "war on terrorism’ across the Middle East and the Eurasian subcontinent (and whose book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives laid the groundwork for 9/11) has adopted a politically expedient...

Badr Backfill for Maliki

Juan Cole has an informative collection of translations that explain the fallout of the resulting mutiny in Basra of the Puppet Regimes inept matchstick men. I find it hard to believe that this wasn't tucked away in the back of his mind somewhere before he decidifieded to embark on his first reign of terror on his own people. The induction of Badr Corps fighters (the paramilitary of ISCI) and those of the Da'wa Party into security positions came in the wake of the firing of thousands of...

The Show: Gareth Porter, David Case

First hour, renowned historian Gareth Porter on warring Shi'ite factions. Dr. Porter is the author of Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam. Tomorrow, 12:15PM Eastern. At 1:15PM Eastern, David Case will be discussing his recent Mother Jones article, The U.S. Military's Assassination Problem. Case, a freelance journalist, has written for Rolling Stone, Men’s Journal, and National Geographic Adventure. He was formerly the executive director of TomPaine.com. More...