The Antiwar Comic: Interventionists Vacations

You know, all these Interventionists who claim to free countries---  Do they actually visit the countries they "free"?  Of course not.  It would be something like this comic up here.  And speaking of which, today's Antiwar Comic features a familiar face. For more comics visit.

The Antiwar Comic: The Last Letter

I was really moved by the plight of Tomas Young.  I remember Bush's speech after 9/11 and all I could think was, "Crap, this is going to stir things up.  Of all the shifty politicians to get so high and mighty---  This can't be good."  I've tried to talk a few people out of joining the military.  Was successful at least once.  Anyhow, you have to admire a guy that goes through this and comes around.  It's a shame he had to go through such pain. For more comics visit the Webcomic...

The Antiwar Comic: Damn Isolationists!

Hey, Antiwar Comic fans.  Sorry for the lack of posts.  I am in a search for a new artists since Roberto has moved on.  If there's any antiwar comic artists out there, give me a shout. And for more comics, visit the Webcomic Factory.