Code Pink's Jodie Evans returns to the show to discuss CodePink's "Divest from the War Machine" campaign. Evans details the confluence of congress, corporations, and civic institutions all of which support and profit from war and Code Pink's role in raising awareness and creating a robust divestment movement. Then she lets you know how you can be a part of the solution. Jodie Evans is the co-founder and director of CodePink. To find out more about what you can do to help divest from the war...
2/12/18 Peter Van Buren explains why he’s optimistic about diplomacy with North Korea
Peter Van Buren returns to the show to discuss the American diplomatic tensions with North Korea and his article "Don't Be Cynical About An Olympics Detente With North Korea." Van Buren explains why he thinks that the United States is not moving towards war with North Korea, how the Koreans created a serious window for diplomacy with their Olympic delegation, and reflects on his time living in South Korea in the late 1990s. Van Buren then makes the case that the U.S. is in constant search of...
2/9/18 Andy Worthington on Trump’s plans for Guantanamo and the rehabilitation of George W. Bush
Investigative journalist Andy Worthington returns to the show to discuss the absurd rehabilitation of George W. Bush by the left. Worthington recalls the early days of the Bush-Cheney administration and the crimes committed at Guantanamo and the murder of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan. Worthington then breaks down the various elements of the U.S. torture network and the long draw down of Guantanamo starting in the Bush days, but which has never reaching its conclusion. Finally Worthington...
1/26/18 Andrew Bacevich on U.S. diplomacy under Trump and the rise of China
Retired army colonel Andrew Bacevich returns to the show to discuss the state of American diplomacy under Trump. Bacevich opens with a general background of his work and explains why he dissents frequently with the top brass of the U.S. military. Bacevich then discusses his latest article for The American Conservative, "Trump's National Defense Strategy Has The Pentagon Popping Champagne." According to Bacevich American concern with Russia is misplaced—especially in relation to the rise of...
1/24/18 Kelley B. Vlahos on Trump’s neocons
Kelley B. Vlahos, executive editor of the American Conservative Magazine, returns to the show to discuss her latest article, "Neoconning the Trump White House." Vlahos details her research into the neocon creep into the Trump administration and does a deep dive into the state of neoconservative politics and institutions in Washington. Vlahos also explains why, despite Donald Trump's lip service, the anti-war right and the realists are fighting an uphill battle for influence in Washington....
1/23/18 Reese Erlich on the brewing conflict in Northeast Syria
Reese Erlich joins Scott to discuss the latest developments in Iraq and Eastern Syria. Erlich details the growing tension between Turkey, a NATO country, and the United States and the Kurds who are getting caught in between. Erlich and Scott discuss the recent history of U.S. interventionism in Syria, how the Trump policy divulges from Obama's, and the current status of the Islamic State. Reese Erlich is a nationally syndicated columnist and the author of Inside Syria: The Backstory of Their...
1/21/18 Gareth Porter on Donald Trump’s Bluff Towards North Korea
Gareth Porter returns to the show to discuss his latest article "Why Trump's North Korea Bloody Nose Campaign Is A Big Bluff." Porter examines the Trump administration's approach to North Korea and explains why he thinks Trump's posturing about carrying out a preventative strike against North Korea is just that—posturing. Gareth Porter is an investigative historian and journalist on the national security state and author of Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare....
1/5/18 The UN’s Jamie McGoldrick on the state of affairs in Yemen
Jamie McGoldrick of the United Nations joins Scott to discuss the latest developments in Yemen. McGoldrick gives an overview of the Yemeni political, sociological, and economic situation, explains why the official death count is certainly too low, and outlines what needs to be done to alleviate the suffering of the people of Yemen. McGoldrick is the United Nations Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative for the...
1/3/18 Muhammad Sahimi on the protests in Iran
USC professor Muhammad Sahimi returns to the show to discuss the latest developments in the protests in Iran, describes how the current regime is responsible for the justified grievances of the people protesting, and explains why some people fear regime change given the opportunistic nature of .the Trump administration, the aftermath of post-Gaddafi Libya, and the role of the Iranian far right in fomenting the protests. Sahimi then explains how the Iran Deal has backfired for Rouhani who...
11/6/17 John Feffer on Donald Trump’s escalation of North Korea
John Feffer returns to the show following his trip to South Korea and Japan where Donald Trump is visiting to continue his escalation against North Korea. Feffer details China's role in curtailing North Korea, why the effort has fallen short, and how the Trump administration continues to pressure countries in the region. Scott wonders whether Donald Trump is really as dangerous on North Korea as everyone portrays him—and why neither the United States or North Korea has motivation to start a...
10/13/17 Reza Marashi on the likelihood of Trump decertifying the Iran Deal
Research director of the National Iranian American Council Reza Marashi returns to the show to discuss Donald Trump's likely decision to decertify the Iran Deal. Scott puts the question to Marashi: What's so good about the Iran Deal? Marashi says it ensures that Iran can't attempt to build a nuclear weapon without being caught, it helps avoid war between the United States and Iran by resolving one point of contention, and, at least until the Trump administration came to power, it created...
10/3/17 Anne Jones on Trump taking his turn to fail in Afghanistan
Ann Jones, author of "Kabul in Winter: Life Without Peace in Afghanistan," returns to the show to discuss her latest article at "Afghanistan, Again?" Jones explains how every president repeats the actions of his predecessor in an attempt to "break the stalemate," why trying to train the Afghan army has been an utter disaster, and how the Afghan people, despite considerable infighting, have made it clear over and over again that they will not give in to foreign invaders. Jones...
10/2/17 Airwars’ Chris Woods on the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria
Airwars investigative reporter Chris Woods returns to the show to discuss his work documenting aerial strikes and casualties in Iraq, Syria, and now Libya. Woods explains Airwars' method of documentation, discusses how Trump's strategy compares to Obama's, and breaks down the fight to free Mosul and Raqqa from ISIS and the overwhelming toll it has taken on the civilian populations. Woods is the author of Sudden Justice: America's Secret Drone Wars and the recipient of the Martha Gellhorn Prize...
9/27/17 Muhammad Sahimi debunks neoconservative lies about Iran
USC professor Muhammad Sahimi returns to the show to discuss his latest article “Deconstructing Neoconservatives’ Manifesto for War With Iran.” Sahimi debunks the misinformation and lies being spread by John Bolton and other neoconservatives about the Iran Deal, explains in detail the steps Iran has taken to ease tensions with the United States, and lists the many hypocrisies of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Sahimi hammers home the fact that, should the U.S. void the Iran Deal, no...
9/27/17 Julian Borger: White House Pressuring CIA to Find Iran in Noncompliance of Nuclear Deal
World affairs editor for the Guardian Julian Borger returns to the show to discuss his latest article “White House ‘pressuring’ intelligence officials to find Iran in violation of nuclear deal.” Borger details the pressure CIA officials are facing from the White House to find or procure evidence of Iran being in noncompliance with the nuclear deal. But while Borger believes there’s hope that the CIA isn’t willing to play ball, he details how the Trump administration is finding other creative...