Austin NAACP President Nelson Linder Defends Ron Paul

Someone made this youtube out of this interview I conducted of my friend Nelson Linder in August of 2007. It is unfortunate that at the time of this interview he mistakenly believed that Paul had written the offensive newsletters, but explained that he's known Paul for 20 years and knows for a fact that he's not a bigot, so the parts in question must be taken out of context. Same difference.

John Derbyshire Stands By Ron Paul

Great. John Derbyshire, the National Review writer who endorsed Ron Paul, is not phased by the recent smears. First he cites Andrew Sullivan: And, yes, thank God for Ron Paul. No one else, except McCain, copped to the GOP's rank betrayal of fiscal conservatism, limited government, prudent foreign policy and civil liberties. When he was asked to disown the 9/11 Truthers, he gave a revealing answer, and one that reflects on the newsletters issue. It just isn't in his nature to adopt other...

Daniel McCarthy’s New Rep. Ron Paul M.D. Blog

The Daily Dose. A greeting from Daniel here. Here's his recap of Dr. Paul's great performance at the debate the other night and here's one where he makes fools out of the editors of the Washington Post for their latest attempted hit piece.

J.H. Heubert Nails It

Wondering why the Paulians and MSM are over it, and yet the libertarian movement is going crazy over the old newsletter story? This is exactly what I think too: "Ron Paul and his movement won't be thrown off by this at all. We've rendered the DC libertarians' attempts to join the Washington Establishment irrelevant. No wonder they're fuming and grasping at straws."

Help us Ron Paul, you’re our only hope

I know, I know, Beck is the biggest jerk around, but this is a great segment. The American economy is on the brink of catastrophe and Ron Paul is the only solution. If he doesn't win, we're screwed. (Beck painfully admits it)

Ron Paul Statement on The New Republic Article Regarding Old Newsletters

January 8, 2008 5:28 am EST ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA — In response to an article published by The New Republic, Ron Paul issued the following statement: ‘The quotations in The New Republic article are not mine and do not represent what I believe or have ever believed. I have never uttered such words and denounce such small-minded thoughts. ‘In fact, I have always agreed with Martin Luther King, Jr. that we should only be concerned with the content of a person's character, not the color of their...

Notes on Ron Paul on Jay Leno

So far: Leno complained that Dr. Paul's exclusion from the Fox news debate Sunday night was unfair and said he invited him on to explain what he thinks Fox's problem must be. Take that Ailes, you jerk! After that: Leno: You're as good as any of them, what the hell? Paul: I'm consistent with the Constitution and the Republican platform and they're not, and so the competition and Fox are embarrassed. And because I opposed the war in Iraq all along and they were all wrong. Romney: Religion...