Independent journalist Anand Gopal discusses the relationship between the Haqqani network and Pakistan’s military/government; why the lack of any Northern Alliance-type allies will make a US ground invasion of Pakistan much more difficult than in Afghanistan; possible CIA involvement in the Afghan heroin trade and with Hamid Karzai’s murdered brother; why the Taliban’s break with al-Qaeda is genuine, and the “safe haven” rationale for continuing the occupation is bogus; slow reforms in Egypt,...
06/08/11 – Anand Gopal – The Scott Horton Show
Independent journalist Anand Gopal discusses the American creation of an unsustainable Afghanistan that’s guaranteed to collapse when US/NATO money stops flowing, anticipating the 2017 date when Afghan troops are trained and they can stand up (after 16 years!), the fact that US strategy still depends on warlords to compete for influence and power with Taliban, the deaths of Saleem Shahzad and Osama bin Laden, the coming major Taliban offensive this summer with spike in violence, and the fact...
01/14/11 – Anand Gopal – The Scott Horton Show
Independent journalist Anand Gopal discusses why counterinsurgency strategy works better in theory than in practice; the short term PR victories in Afghanistan that create long term problems; the only two policy choices deemed worthy of popular consideration: continue the Afghan War forever, or scale down to night raids while moving into Pakistan; how the 'denying al-Qaeda sanctuary' justification for US military deployments ignores the real reasons the 9/11 attacks succeeded; why the...
11/26/10 – Grant F. Smith, John Feffer and Anand Gopal – The Scott Horton Show
This interview of Grant F. Smith, John Feffer and Anand Gopal is from the KPFK Los Angeles 90.7 FM broadcast of Friday, November 26. The unedited segment can be heard here. Grant F. Smith of discusses Steven Rosen's defamation lawsuit against his former employer AIPAC and what a renewed FBI criminal investigation could mean for the premiere Israel lobby in America. John Feffer of Foreign Policy in Focus discusses (starting at 19:45 in the recording) the military conflict between...
11/23/10 – Anand Gopal – The Scott Horton Show
Independent journalist Anand Gopal discusses the embarrassing revelation that a Taliban impostor was involved in high-level negotiations with ISAF officials; how constantly-shifting goals and deadlines show the US is clueless in Afghanistan; how the clear, hold and build strategy is degenerating into the collective punishment of civilians and how the failure to peacefully integrate the surrendered Taliban leadership back into Afghan society gave rise to the insurgency.
08/25/10 – Anand Gopal – The Scott Horton Show
Independent journalist Anand Gopal discusses the Taliban’s lucrative protection racket on U.S. supply convoys, Pakistan’s refusal to allow a bilateral peace deal between Hamid Karzai and the Taliban, Colin Powell’s disinterest in regime change in Afghanistan (in September 2001), the Afghan army’s inability to secure the country or fight the Taliban, how the Marjah screw-up has made the military cautious on the Kandahar offensive and why Gen. Petraeus’s 'success' in Iraq was easy: allow...
06/28/10 – Anand Gopal – The Scott Horton Show
Independent journalist Anand Gopal discusses his interview with Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar about peace talks with the Karzai government, the probable short tenure of whatever political entity (including the Taliban) fills the void after US departure, why COIN-inspired night raids that succeed in killing Taliban commanders are still counterproductive and why Hamid Karzai’s dominion is even less than his derogatory 'Mayor of Kabul' title suggests.
Anand Gopal on Antiwar Radio/you-tube
02/09/10 – Anand Gopal – The Scott Horton Show
Independent journalist Anand Gopal discusses the miniature Bagram-type prisons popping up on US military outposts in Afghanistan, loopholes that render prisoner treatment rules meaningless, limited US intelligence operations that rely on dubious tips from score-settling Afghans and how US night raids in rural Afghanistan turn ordinary Pashtuns against the occupation.