Former FBI contract-translator-turned whistleblower Sibel Edmonds and former FBI counter-intelligence officer John M. Cole discuss State Department cooperation with the 'mujahedeen' in the Central Asian Turkic countries through the Turkish military and intelligence in the time before 9/11, a State Department order to release suspicious Uzbeks and Turks after the attack, the neocons’ and realists’ joint-attempt to negotiate the invasion of Iraq from Turkey in the summer of 2001, Edmonds’s...
05/07/09 – Sibel Edmonds – The Scott Horton Show
Sibel Edmonds, founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition, discusses the hypocrisy of free speech invocations in defense of Rosen/Weissman while whistle-blowers endure gag orders, the numerous cover-ups of unspecified Congressional misdeeds caught on wiretaps, the dedication of rank-and-file FBI agents to investigate crimes despite political implications and how she is ready to tell her story to a publisher willing to fight government censorship.
Sibel Edmonds Interview.
From via Luke Rylands blog. Connect the dots. According to the UN's latest report, under U.S. occupation 92% of the world's opium production comes from Afghan poppies. Most of the heroin going to Europe is manufactured in or transits Turkey. The exact value to Turkey of its heroin exports is unknown but experts estimate a range in the tens of billions of dollars per year. The neocons helped establish and remain closely associated with Turkish lobbying efforts in the U.S....
06/12/08 – Sibel Edmonds and Luke Ryland – The Scott Horton Show
Sibel Edmonds and Luke Ryland discuss the London Times series on her case and the international nuclear black-market network surrounding A.Q. Kahn, the U.S. government’s total clamp-down by gag orders even against Congress, the American foreign policy hypocrisy of demonizing certain nuclear ambitions and supporting others, the military-industrial-congressional complex revolving door, the bipartisan lack of enthusiasm in pursuing whistleblower cases, the movie about Sibel’s case 'Kill The...
Sibel Edmonds Case: More Destruction of Evidence re Nuclear Black Market
I have a new post up over at Let Sibel Edmonds Speak which takes a closer look at the US government's apparent involvement in the destruction of evidence in a criminal trial in Switzerland. The prosecution of Urs Tinner, one of the key suppliers of the AQ Khan network, is now unlikely to proceed. Why would the USG/CIA want to avoid a public trial of the Khan network? According to the Guardian: Had the evidence been presented in court, compromising and embarrassing information about the CIA's...
Sibel Edmonds Case: ABC News investigates Hastert scandals and the Turkish Connections.
I have a new post at Let Sibel Edmonds Speak regarding Dennis Hastert's new job lobbying for Turkey - and ABC's belated reporting on the issue. (I couldn't post it here for technical (my incompetence) reasons)
Sibel Edmonds: ‘Buckle up, there’s much more coming.’
In the last few weeks, UK's Times has run a series of articles about the so-called 'Sibel Edmonds case.' ('For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets, 'FBI denies file exposing nuclear secrets theft' and 'Tip-off thwarted nuclear spy ring probe') Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds stumbled into a world of espionage, nuclear black market, narcotics trafficking, money laundering, and corruption at the highest levels of the US government. I interviewed Sibel yesterday regarding the current...
Did Marc Grossman Tip off the Turks to “Brewster Jennings” Long Before Novak?
The London Sunday Times follows up with part three in their Sibel Edmonds series.
Found in Translation
Philip Giraldi's latest on the Sibel Edmonds case for the American Conservative magazine. The ATC, founded in 1994 and modeled on the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, was intended to promote Turkish interests in Congress and in other public forums. Edmonds refers to ATC and AIPAC as ‘sister organizations.’ The group’s founders include a number of prominent Americans involved in the Israel-Turkey relationship, notably Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, and...
Extra, Extra! Sibel Tells More
Sunday Times Luke and here. Larisa 1, 2 Brad Justin Sibel's site Luke and Larisa on the show tomorrow.
Dan Ellsberg: Sibel Edmonds case “Far More Explosive Than Pentagon Papers”
Bradblog has been chasing the story about former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds' offer to 'tell all.' Brad has an update here. Sibel has had an abundance of offers from the MSM since her announcement. Unfortunately, not a single one of them has come from the US MSM. Ellsberg says: "I'd say what she has is far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers" More from Ellsberg: "From what I understand, from what (Sibel) has to tell, it has a major difference from the Pentagon Papers in that it deals...
Sibel Edmonds Case: New (and old) revelations of spying at the FBI
News outlets are abuzz with the news of the guilty plea of Nada Nadim Prouty. Despite fraudulently acquiring her citizenship and having close familial ties to Hezbollah, Prouty was able to pass background checks for both the CIA and the FBI. Prouty pled guilty to improperly accessing the internal computer systems, apparently to get a status-check on investigations into Hezbollah, as well as herself and her family members. The agencies appear to be playing down the incident with anonymous...
You can run, but you can’t hide -Hastert
Dennis Hastert just announced he will leave his Congress postion early, probably out of fear from the Sibel Edmonds expose. What a bastard.
Sibel Edmonds Case: the untellable AIPAC Case, part 2.
In my recent post, "Sibel Edmonds Case: the untellable story of AIPAC," I made the case that the so-called 'AIPAC Case' - the trial of Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman - is only the tip of the iceberg. Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds wants to tell us what she knows about various criminal and treasonous activities that she became aware of that involve high level US officials, the embassies of Israel and Turkey, and lobbying groups associated with those two countries - primarily AIPAC and the...
Sibel Edmonds Case: the untellable story of AIPAC
Last week, former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, announced that she was willing to tell everything that she knows if any of the major networks are willing to give her airtime, without airbrushing the essence of her case. Bradblog will have an update on the progress, or lack of it, next week. Of course, Sibel would prefer to testify under oath in congress, but apparently our Democratic Congresscritters (I'm looking at you, Waxman) don't care about the treason, bribery, and corruption that has...