But you and I remember that it was Bush and Cheney who installed the Supreme Islamic Council of Abdul Aziz al Hakim and the Iranian revolutionary guard and has been supporting them all along. Well, in case you haven't been able to learn that up until now... Here's some Gareth Porter for you. Also, Iranian intelligence asset John McCain's handler, Ahmad "Hero in error" Chalabi, is suspected by the Defense Intelligence Agency of using his unwitting dupes - like McCain, Richard Perle, Harold...
Borat Obomya at AIPAC
With de-bunking by George Galloway, who Ironically is a Obama supporter -
New Gareth Porter Article!
Go read it! It'll help make you smart. Update: Remember, Petraeus is Obama's man too.
Joe Briggs Interviews Ray McGovern
On his show Policy Watch.
Gareth Porter interview youtube
I have made a little you-tube of Scott's interview with Gareth Porter, it's in a 6 part play list and i have added a couple of videos and pictures to illustrate some of the points that were made, it ends with a montage of lies from the MSM (mainly fox news).
‘Bush intends to attack Iran before the end of his term’
US President George W. Bush intends to attack Iran in the upcoming months, before the end of his term, Army Radio quoted officials in Jerusalem as saying Tuesday. The official claimed that a senior member of the president's entourage said during a closed meeting that Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney were of the opinion that military action was called for. However, the official continued, "the hesitancy of Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice" was preventing...
‘Iran may take US, UK gov’ts to court’
Iran announces that it may press charges against the United States and Britain over their involvement in a deadly blast in Shiraz. Following investigations into an explosion last month at a religious center in the southern city of Shiraz, Iran announced Thursday that it had arrested six people in connection with the incident. Iran's judiciary spokesman, Alireza Jamshidi, confirmed on Monday that the American and British governments had been involved in the fatal incident. PressTV
Al Qaeda Declares War on Hezbollah
So whose enemies are paramount in the minds of American policy makers, Israel's or America's? Must bin Laden and Zawahiri remain free forever while we ally with their friends and fight those they hate but do not threaten us?
John McCain exposed
A great little video
War With Iran Might Be Closer Than You Think
Former CIA officer and Antiwar.com columnist Philip Giraldi has a new scoop at the American Conservative blog. There is considerable speculation and buzz in Washington today suggesting that the National Security Council has agreed in principle to proceed with plans to attack an Iranian al-Qods-run camp that is believed to be training Iraqi militants. The camp that will be targeted is one of several located near Tehran. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was the only senior official urging delay...
Nial Ferguson On McCain and Iran
"There's no question that radical Islamists yearn for McCain to lose". - another one who has obviously never read anything by Michael Scheurer and discovered that Bin Laden, if asked for his preference for next president, would pick John McCain in a heart beat, although he probably wouldn't be disappointed with Hillary or Obama either.
John ‘bonkers’ Bolton On Iran
According to half man half walrus, John Bolton, the Iranians aren't "interested in talking about it", referring to the alleged support for Iraqi insurgents, ..... "not interested in talking about it" I've heard that before somewhere, Also listen to him snigger when he mentions the NIE. Unsurprisingly Michael Ledeen agrees,
An Iraq at Peace with Its Neighbors
Well it was before. Now the Turks are bombing the north again (whether actually killing PKK members or not is in dispute) and war with Iran looms. Andrew Cockburn reports in Counter Punch Bush's new "finding" authorizing more covert support for anti-Iranian and anti-Syrian terrorist groups like the MEK, Jundullah and - irony anyone? - the PKK-allied Pejak. The Sunday Times says the military is renewing plans for strikes at Quds Force targets in Iran, a further irony since the Quds Force is the...
My Speech at UT, April 28, 2008
Here is the full, glitch-free one glitch version: Or watch it at Blip.tv. (This is all but the part where I discussed the Israel Lobby's role in pushing the war, which wasn't recorded.) Anders' YouTube version here. Pupnik's AVI version here.