Holy Crap!

That Bill Kristol has no shame at all. None. Does he have any kids? Doesn't he care that they will know what a steaming piece of shit he is?

US Imperial Senate unanimously passes a traitorous resolution

(cross posted from my blog) One of the most absurd accusations against Iran has been that Tehran is secretly arming (and even possibly training) the anti-Imperial resistance forces in Iraq. Why is this an utterly absurd accusation? Because as Robert Dreyfuss explains it in his many excellent articles (see here, here and here) the USA and Iran are supporting the same side in this war: the Maliki government. They are also the only ones to support it, by the way. Even the Shias of Muqtada al-Sadr...

I guess this’ll be a landmark of some kind

I find myself in agreement with the freaking National Review who apparently find themselves forced to defend Ron Paul from the smears of the sloppy "journalists" at the Politico and the rest of the Warbots that Alex Jones had successfully managed to put his foolish words in Paul's mouth in this interview when in fact he did not. Why Dr. Paul would even give Jones the opportunity to try is beyond me. Jones has made it quite clear that his only use for Paul is to try to get him to say Jones is...

2nd Saker interview: Jonathan Cook from occupied Palestine

Today I am publishing the second interview in my new series "Saker interviews" (which began with the Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery) with a Q&A email exchange with Jonathan Cook, a British journalist who lives in occupied Palestine and who recently wrote a book, entitled 'Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State', which was published by Pluto Press in Britain in April and in the United States in July 2006 (click here for more info on the book). Jonathan, a...

Utilitarianism Triumphs Again!

Ah, our old friends the Utilitarians. These are people who believe that, if something does more good than harm, it's OK. It may do harm, but nonetheless, it also does good - therefore, we like it. To put it in more technical terms, from Wikipedia: "Utilitarianism is the ethical doctrine that the moral worth of an action is determined solely by its contribution to overall utility." And what action am I referring to? Thought you'd never ask. I read this story courtesy of Slashdot today. Here is...

Antiwar Radio: Ken Silverstein

Ken Silverstein, Washington Editor of Harper's magazine, and author of the Washington Babylon blog discusses the heroic character of "the other" Scott Horton and Silverstein's undercover investigative work in reporting the role of powerful DC lobbying firms in propagandizing the American people and determining American foreign policies.

What “White House Press Corp”?

I was listening to Charles Goyette's show thursday morning, when it was so rudely interrupted by moron babble emanating from none other than the Exalted Leader, Mr. War President. So, just when I'd had about enough of the 'Talking Asshole', somewhere in that psycoholic slag between his ears that is acting as a stunt double for a brain, out flops this jewel: "The fight in Iraq is part of a broader struggle that's unfolding across the region. The same region in Iran -- the same regime in Iran...

07/13/07 – Ken Silverstein – The Scott Horton Show

Ken Silverstein, Washington Editor of Harper's magazine, and author of the Washington Babylon blog discusses the heroic character of "the other" Scott Horton and Silverstein's undercover investigative work in reporting the role of powerful DC lobbying firms in propagandizing the American people and determining American foreign policies.