2nd Saker interview: Jonathan Cook from occupied Palestine

by | Jul 15, 2007 | Stress Blog | 1 comment

Today I am publishing the second interview in my new series “Saker interviews” (which began with the Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery) with a Q&A email exchange with Jonathan Cook, a British journalist who lives in occupied Palestine and who recently wrote a book, entitled ‘Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State‘, which was published by Pluto Press in Britain in April and in the United States in July 2006 (click here for more info on the book). Jonathan, a freelance journalist whose articles have been published in The Guardian, Le Monde Diplomatique, Counterpunch and many other media, is the only western reporter who chose to live amongst Palestinians and who covers the Palestinian struggle without being tied to the agenda and allegiances of the Western corporate media (for more information on Jonathan’s amazing work, check out his excellent website).

Jonathan has just returned from the “Israel-Palestine: One Country, One State” conference organized by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid on the future of Palestine (which adpoted a resolution-appeal whose text can be found here). Upon his return Jonathan kindly took some time off his schedule to thoroughly answer my questions for which I am greatly in his debt.

Full text of the interview here