Look, I’ve been trying to tell you…

From Salon: Bush: "The logic is upside-down," the president said during one campaign stop. "See, we don't create enemies and terrorists by fighting back. We defeat the terrorists by fighting back." Lt Gen Peter Chiarelli, in charge of day to day operations in Iraq, told the Los Angeles Times in Baghdad last month: "We have to understand that the way we treat Iraqis has a direct effect on the number of insurgents that we are fighting. For every one that I kill, I create almost 10 more." Sorry...

Site down this morning

Some of you may have experienced a problem connecting to the site this morning. Since I'm responsible for the site, and I had made no administrative changes recently, it caught me rather by surprise. It was clear from the start that since no other site our ISP's server was working, and since it was producing a download link rather than running the PHP scripts the site uses, that PHP was not functioning properly. Here is what the ISP says: "We're sorry for the inconvenience, there was a problem...

Big Surprise

The so-called terrorist bust in Canada is a government created farce. Update: Holes begin to appear in Canadian terrorism case Update II: The London "dirty bomb" was bullshit too.

May: Deadliest Month in Iraq War II Since April ’03

There is a horrible civil war raging in Iraq, just like David Wurmser - who helped lie us into this war from the Office of Special Plans and the state dept. - predicted in 1997. Hell, I predicted it too. I read "The Commanders" by Woodward in High School, and in it Powell explained that if they had overthrown Saddam in 1991 the place would have broken apart. It did. Wurmser was promoted. I guess it doesn't matter how many people die as long as James Baker can keep that oil off the market and...

Got Bulemia?

Bob Dreyfuss's blog ought to get you going. He quotes from the LA Times: "'Her Brains Splattering on His Boots" An account from Haditha by a Marine photographer who is the first to speak out: "[H]is worst moment, and one that haunts him to this day, was picking up the body of a young girl who was shot in the head."'I held her out like this, he said, demonstrating with his arms extended, 'but her head was bobbing up and down and the insides fell on my legs.' "As he spoke, his mother, Susie...

Was the 2004 Election Stolen?

Here's a link to RFK JR.'s article in Rolling Stone about the 2004 election. Kennedy makes a compelling case that the Republicans won by way of cheating. What a...shock. Just about every major election is won by way of cheating. In fact, the winner is the side that can cheat better than the other side (like Henry Gondorff out-cheating Doyle Lonnegan in the poker game from The Sting. Lonnegan: "Four 9s"; Gondorff: "Four Jacks"). For example, the supreme example of cheating to win is the 1960 US...

Anti-Torture Month

It's June, and you know what that means: It's time for all good humans on earth to oppose their state's very existence - er, I mean torture policies. To better understand how the United States of America kidnaps and tortures people, may I suggest some of the following links?: http://antiwar.com/news/?articleid=2504 http://www.antiwar.com/news/?articleid=2444 http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?040510fa_fact http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?040517fa_fact2...

Michael Badnarik: National-Socialist for Congress

It shouldn't really be a surprise, but Michael Badnarik, former LP Presidential candidate and current congressional candidate, after turning his campaign over to some ridiculous asshole named Alan Hacker, has decided that Mexican immigrants are an "invasion force" whose presence demands the response of the military "defense forces" of the US government. "We must work to either replace or reclassify the Border Patrol and treat border issues as what they are: national defense issues coming under...