09/18/12 – Jen Marlowe – The Scott Horton Show

Jen Marlowe, author of The Hour of Sunlight: One Palestinian's Journey from Prisoner to Peacemaker, discusses the mainstream media's blackout of the "secret" revolution in Bahrain; the international human rights activists participating in the Witness Bahrain initiative; how Bahrain's majority Shia population is battling for equal rights against a despotic monarchy - not engaging in sectarian warfare against the Sunni minority; why Jihan Kazerooni gave up her investment banking career for...

09/18/12 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern discusses the still-disputed question "why do they hate us;" how post-WWII US foreign policy is geared toward maintaining wealth and resource disparity; why a global military empire just doesn't make economic sense; the US's diminishing control of the Middle East; the military's claim that Guantanamo prisoner suicides are "asymmetrical warfare;" Hillary Clinton's mastery of doublethink (recall her "Freedom Speech" during which Ray McGovern is dragged out by...

09/17/12 – Adam Morrow – The Scott Horton Show

IPS News journalist Adam Morrow discusses the protests in Egypt against the movie Innocence of Muslims; rumors that US-based Coptic Christians produced the movie to foment religious strife; the Muslim Brotherhood's extremely cautious approach to politics and current events; the difference between the minority of radical Salafist protesters (the ones singled out by Western media) and Egypt's comparatively moderate population and government; why Muslims around the world are so sensitive to...

09/17/12 – Bob Murphy – The Scott Horton Show

Robert P. Murphy, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, discusses the Federal Reserve's Quantitative Easing program; why the Fed has just decided to buy mortgage-backed securities at a 40 billion/month clip; how businesses are disguising the increased costs they must pass on to customers; Ben Bernanke's devoted service to the big banks; how interest-earning excess reserves are keeping bankrupt banks afloat and discouraging private lending; the argument that defense spending...

09/14/12 – Alejandro Beutel – The Scott Horton Show

Alejandro Beutel, formerly of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, discusses MPAC's exposé on "America's Top 25 Pseudo-Experts on Islam;" Daniel Pipes's 2004 op-ed in which he justifies the WWII internment of Japanese Americans and calls for similar measures against Muslims; the "national security hucksters" who train law enforcement groups on the supposed dangers of Islam; successful anti-Islam propaganda from Danish cartoons to Innocence of Muslims; and how US Middle East hegemony, combined...

09/12/12 – Eric Margolis – The Scott Horton Show

Eric Margolis, author of American Raj, discusses the assaults on US embassies in Libya and Egypt; the anti-Islam movie Innocence of Muslims that was apparently financed by an Israeli American; the shared propaganda techniques of Nazi Germany and today's pro-Israel extremists; why Jews should be wary of inciting bigots into Islamophobic rages; Churchill and FDR's coverup of "Uncle Joe" Stalin's massacre of Polish officers in 1940; and why WWII wasn't the "necessary" war we're all led to believe.

09/12/12 – Anthony Gregory – The Scott Horton Show

Anthony Gregory of the Independent Institute discusses why American conservatives are changing their minds about the War on Drugs; the hypocrisy of drug-warrior presidents (especially Obama) who previously used illegal drugs themselves; why the Democratic Party is no friend to civil liberties and the Bill of Rights; and how unjust drug laws are largely responsible for institutionalized racism and The New Jim Crow in America.

09/10/12 – John Feffer – The Scott Horton Show

John Feffer of Foreign Policy in Focus discusses "The Dumbing Down of American Foreign Policy;" how Obama (as bad as he is) could be much worse on Iran and Israel; the Iranian cancer patients effected by sanctions; Obama's refusal to spend political capital to back up his big talk on Palestine and nuclear weapons abolition; how liberal internationalism provides a facade for the military-industrial complex; changes in N. Korea policy over the last few administrations; and Ben Swann's...

09/07/12 – Sheldon Richman – The Scott Horton Show

Sheldon Richman of the Future of Freedom Foundation discusses the controversial voice vote on "God and Jerusalem" at the Democratic National Convention; more evidence that democracy has no place in American party politics; successive Republican and Democratic administrations that pay lip service to Israel by declaring Jerusalem the true capital - while the US embassy stays put in Tel Aviv; and Obama's surprisingly strong stance against an Israeli-led war on Iran.  

09/07/12 – Andy Worthington – The Scott Horton Show

Andy Worthington, author of The Guantanamo Files, discusses his article "Eleven Years after 9/11, Guantánamo Is a Political Prison;" the many Gitmo prisoners still held despite being long-ago cleared for release; why liberals give Obama a pass on his broken promise to close the prison; Attorney General Eric Holder's decision not to prosecute Bush-era torture; and how a corrupted US justice system invites terrorist blowback.

09/05/12 – John Whitehead – The Scott Horton Show

John Whitehead, lawyer and founder of The Rutherford Institute, discusses his client Brandon Raub's forced incarceration in a psychiatric ward for posting political opinions and song lyrics on Facebook; the low standard of proof needed to lock someone up in a mental institution; why veterans are being specially targeted by law enforcement; questionable practices at the VA; and why our court system is about maintaining order, not upholding justice. Transcript: SCOTT HORTON INTERVIEWS JOHN...

09/05/12 – Jason Leopold – The Scott Horton Show

Jason Leopold, journalist and author of News Junkie, discusses the Stratfor emails (surreptitiously obtained by Anonymous) on the NYPD's "damn right felonious activity;" the rift between the FBI-NYPD joint terrorism task force and NYPD's own intelligence division; why the DOJ and FBI aren't going to help investigate crooked cops violating civil liberties; bipartisan approval of the 2011 NDAA, allowing indefinite detention; and why Lefties like Obama more than the Bill of Rights.

09/05/12 – Charles Goyette – The Scott Horton Show

Charles Goyette, author of Red and Blue and Broke All Over, discusses the perfect storm of economic hardships due to hit early next year; the meaning of "fiscal cliff;" why China's US treasury bond holdings are more legitimate than the Fed's; the multi-trillions spent on national security since 9/11; the bipartisan refusal to cut spending on empire; the effect of rising interest rates on government debt servicing; and the ridiculous headline-driven equity markets.

09/04/12 – John Glaser – The Scott Horton Show

Antiwar.com editor John Glaser discusses the details of a reported (and denied) back-channel offer from the White House to Iran; why the US is still largely responsible for Israel's military endeavors, even if the US doesn't fire a shot; how Benjamin Netanyahu has bluffed his way to irrelevance; Zbig Brzezinski's take on rational actors and messianic zealots among Middle East heads of state; and a comparison of world-dominating US foreign policy strategies.

09/04/12 – Kelley Vlahos – The Scott Horton Show

Kelley Vlahos, contributing editor at The American Conservative, discusses the rise and fall of the COINdinistas (Lt. Col John Nagl especially); how "surge" strategies are designed for domestic political concerns, not military successes; the brutal civilian-slaughtering nature of real counterinsurgency campaigns; the revolving door between think tanks and government; the ongoing debacle in Afghanistan; and the perseverance of military apologists who still can't imagine criticizing anyone in a...