The Failures of Sectarianism

Should progressives support John Edwards or Ron Paul? Joshua Frank says it's no contest. But then, Joshua Frank thinks opposing aggressive war is important. Keith Preston has more on the realignment here.

Ron Paul and CNN

Here's Ron Paul stumping on foreign policy live on CNN (a first, I believe): And here is the Larry King interview that was supposed to be on TV yesterday. And here I thought they did that show live...

Another Brilliant Left-Liberal Progressive Endorses Ron Paul

And for all the very best reasons too. Thank you Caleb Fritz. You are my very favorite kind of leftist; the kind who puts opposition to torture before calls for socialism. Opposition to torture is very important to me too. Also, Jeffersonian Democrat Jeff Taylor's CounterPunch endorsing Ron from yesterday.

The Volokh Conspiracy

David Beito and I wrote an article for them about Ron Paul. Apparently the readership was not impressed. Ah well, 50 year "War on Terror" it is then...

Ron Paul 2008!

I want this man, Dr. Ron Paul, to be the president of the United States. Believe me, I’m not the type to go from one so called leader to another pinning all my hopes on their greatness like some Deaniac. I don’t like politicians. I didn’t like Ann Richards. I don’t like Bush Jr. I didn’t like Ronald Reagan, I don’t like Bush’s dad and I don’t like Bill Clinton. I don’t like Dick Gephardt, Tom Daschle, Trent Lott, Newt Gingrich, Nancy whats-her-name, John D. Rockefeller IV or bitch-ass Harry...

A.B. Stoddard Has Made a Mistake Regarding Ron Paul

I assume it was unintentional error, but The Hill's Ms. Stoddard seems to have gotten it wrong on the question of Rep. Ron Paul M.D.'s attitude toward campaigning. Toward the end of this segment, where she, David Schuster and that other guy attempt to ridicule Paul's position on the war over southern secession, Stoddard claims that Paul has admitted that he is "lazy," a criticism which has cost Fred Thompson dearly. But Ron Paul lazy? He's always seemed like an over-acheiver type to me... With...

New York Times’ Virginia Heffernan Retracts Ron Paul Smear

...A half-assed retraction and a few and a half days too late if you ask me. I wonder if the 250+ comments ridiculing Virginia and her editors for their repeated failures had anything to do with it. If anyone actually wants to debate Ron Paul's principles and political positions, we Paulians are eagerly awaiting your challenge. It must really be tough to be opposed to someone who's right about 95% of what he says and who has such a decent personal character. What will you come up with next?...

My Favorite Comment on the NYT’s Latest Ron Paul Smear

Is here: I read about comments that Ron Paul is a racist and I want to take a moment and put these rumors and lies to rest. I have had the opportunity to meet Dr. Paul over thirty years ago during the first of three pregnancies. I did not have much money and at the time, I heard through my church that Dr. Paul was a very reasonable man and will work with me on payment. Since then, Dr. Paul has delivered three of my babies and they are all healthy young adults with two of them married. I even...

What Does Freedom Really Mean?

by Rep. Ron Paul M.D. ‘[M]an is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.’ -Ronald Reagan We’ve all heard the words democracy and freedom used countless times, especially in the context of our invasion of Iraq. They are used interchangeably in modern political discourse, yet their true meanings are very different. George Orwell wrote about ‘meaningless words’ that...