Dr. Ron Paul on Meet the Press in the Morning

I'm told that Tim "If You Say So, Mr. Cheney" Russert has already told the weekday morning show crowd that he's researched Paul and decided the doctor, 10-term congressman, economist and 4th quarter fund raising leader of presidential candidates of both parties is "crazy" and that his positions are "crazy." Russert supposedly made it clear that the "interview" Sunday morning was going straight to the smears. You better look out, Tim. Those who attack Paul invariably end up looking like the bad...

Ron Paul Breaks Fundraising Record

Ron Paul Raises $6 Million in One Day Candidate has most successful fundraising day in American political history FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                   CONTACT: Jesse Benton December 17, 2007 ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA — Congressman Ron Paul’s presidential campaign had a record fundraising day yesterday. In a 24-hour period on December 16, the campaign raised $6.026 million dollars, surpassing the one-day record of $5.7 million held by John Kerry. During the day,...

Go Ron, Go!

Attention all true American Sons of Liberty: Today is your day. Update: Looks like almost half a million dollars raised in the first hour. Update: 12:12 AM Central time: $12,000,000 goal for this quarter has been reached. Update: 12:27: If Ron keeps raising 75,000 dollars every 15 minutes like this, that would be... well, a lot. Update: 11:40 AM Central: 2.457 Million Dollars! I gave my hundred. How about ya'll? Update: 7:17 PM Central: I went to the Ron Paul rally at the Texas capital and was...

Paleos at the Gates

Could the Old Right take over the National Review? Justin Raimondo covers the battle with its pages and the tortured mind of Jonah Goldberg over the campaign of Ron Paul for the U.S. presidency.