The legacy of Mayor Bloomberg, unfortunately, lives on today. Stop and frisk? I can't think of anything more oppressive. For more comics visit:
The Antiwar Comic: Cops or Soldiers?
This is a theme I'm sure you're all familiar with, since it seems to get increasingly worse day by day; the militarization of the police in the US. For more comics visit:
Police: Armed Gangs of Lawless Killers
It's a good thing there's no such thing as ghosts, otherwise the Americans who came before us would never let us get a wink of sleep again. In other words, what a damned disgrace. Thanks to SMiles.
You are not free
In fact, you live in a police state. Hat tip: Bill Anderson.
Don’t Ever, Ever Talk to the Police
Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5.
Police: Enemies of Liberty
It's a good thing Will Grigg is around to stick up for our rights.