Peter Lee, aka @chinahand, returns to the show to discuss his new documentary General Douglas MacArthur's Conspiracy To Start A War With China. Lee describes the history of U.S.-China tensions dating back to the 1950s, MacArthur's trigger happy attitude toward nuclear weapons, and how MacArthur and the military almost provoked full-fledged war with China. Lee then details the looming tensions between the U.S. and China that may boil over into conflict and explains why, even with China, blame...
1/26/18 Andrew Bacevich on U.S. diplomacy under Trump and the rise of China
Retired army colonel Andrew Bacevich returns to the show to discuss the state of American diplomacy under Trump. Bacevich opens with a general background of his work and explains why he dissents frequently with the top brass of the U.S. military. Bacevich then discusses his latest article for The American Conservative, "Trump's National Defense Strategy Has The Pentagon Popping Champagne." According to Bacevich American concern with Russia is misplaced—especially in relation to the rise of...
9/10/17 Gareth Porter on the possibility of a diplomatic solution in North Korea
Gareth Porter joins Scott on Antiwar Radio on KPFK to discuss his latest article for, "Can the US and North Korea Move From Threats to Negotiations?" Porter details how America's history of foreign intervention has been North Korea's primary motivation for seeking nuclear deterrence and why, as a result, there is no military option in North Korea. And the question we all want answered: is this all ultimately leading toward regime change in Pyongyang? Finally, Porter addresses the...
9/6/17 Eric Margolis on the escalating India-China conflict and ethnic cleansing in Myanmar
Author and journalist Eric Margolis returns to the show to discuss the slow motion war escalating between China and India that Margolis has long believed is an inevitability. The conflict between the two nuclear powers centers on their desire to control the Himalayan region between the two countries, which gives whichever country controls it significant leverage over the rest of the region. Margolis recaps the modern history of Chinese-Indian tensions and the history of how the British created...
The Antiwar Comic: The Rain of the Dollars
This strip was my attempt to talk about some the economic impacts of war. It's so complicated and hard to jam into one page, but I think it came out well. I could probably do a 100 page comic on this easy. But for now, I like to stick with the broad strokes. For more comics visit:
Monday Mornin’ Coffee
America’s refusal to extradite Bolivia’s ex-president to face genocide charges
Forget Iran, it’s Israel’s Nuclear Gun Pointed at Obama’s Head The Greatest Myth of American Politics?
The tug o’ war at Bagram
India and Pakistan sign landmark visa deal
China’s Presumptive New Leader Is Mysteriously Absent
Turkey puts 44 journalists on trial for terrorism and backing pro-Kurd group
The Antiwar Comic: Imagine
In honor of Dr. Paul's awesome speech and Scott's awesome speech about Dr. Paul, here's the Antiwar Comic inspired by Dr. Paul's famous speech.
Against Jingoism and Hypocrisy by Ron Paul
Statement before the US House of Representatives, July 30, 2008, on H. RES. 1370, Calling on the Government of the People's Republic of China to immediately end abuses of the human rights of its citizens Madam Speaker, I rise in opposition to this resolution, which is yet another meaningless but provocative condemnation of China. It is this kind of jingoism that has led to such a low opinion of the United States abroad. Certainly I do not condone human rights abuses, wherever they may occur,...