Fool’s Errand Correction

Gah. There's an error on pages 191–192 in my 2017 book Fool's Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan. A vet just wrote me to point out that I was in fact wrong to say that all 64 people killed in a battle in Kunar Province in February 2011 were "innocent." My citation does not say that. The error is mine, and I don't really know how I could've screwed it up. The story clearly says the governor claimed "16 insurgents, 22 women, and 26 young boys," while ISAF said that 36 were armed fighters...

Absolute Idiot Correction to the new book:

Two different times in Provoked, I "misspoke" and wrote that in 1999 Clinton added Poland, Hungary and Romania to NATO. That is of course stupid and wrong, and I know the right country — the Czech Republic, aka Czechia — and say it right more times than wrong in there. My dumb head I guess is used to saying Poland and Romania together when I talk about Missile Defense and so I just wrote it stupidly wrong like that. Thank you to the nice emailer who pointed this out for me. I will correct the...

Index of Harry Browne Articles

Index of Harry Browne Articles Most of these are going to have to be put in the Wayback Machine , but I thought it was worth saving. Poached from Abortion Bringing Back Liberty, Harry Browne, June 12, 2001 Freedom from Moral Posturing (from The Great Libertarian Offer) Libertarian Stand on Abortion, the, Harry Browne, December 21, 1998 Truth about the Republican & Democratic Parties, The, Harry Browne, March 23, 1999 Afghanistan...

Interview Show 20th Anniversary

I started on the radio in late 1998, but today is the 20th anniversary of the interview show. First of 5,894 so far was the great Alan Bock on Iraq, three days after the marines pulled down Saddam's statue in Baghdad. The full archive is here.

Happy April Glaspie Day!

Thank you, Julian Assange: SADDAM’S MESSAGE OF FRIENDSHIP TO PRESIDENT BUSH Date:1990 July 25, 12:46 (Wednesday) Canonical ID:90BAGHDAD4237_a Original Classification:SECRET Current Classification:SECRET Handling Restrictions– Not Assigned — Character Count:13633 Executive Order:– Not Assigned — Locator:TEXT ONLINE TAGS:IZ – Iraq | KU – Kuwait | MOPS – Military and Defense Affairs–Military Operations | PREL – Political...

Call Your Congressmen and Senators Re Yemen War Powers Resolution

In the House it’s HJ Res 87, in the Senate it’s SJ Res 54. Call 833 STOP WAR and they will connect you directly to your representatives. If you have a Democratic Congressman, tell them the President said he wants to end this war. He needs us to support him on this to help him face down pressure from the Republicans. Also, emphasize the humanitarian crisis and the idea that ending this war now will be good for the Democrats in November. If your rep is a Republican, you should tell...

New Book, Hotter Than the Sun, Out Now!

Hotter Than the Sun: Time to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Scott Horton interviews Daniel Ellsberg, Seymour Hersh, Gar Alperovitz, Hans Kristensen, Joe Cirincione and more. This book contains interviews conducted over more than a decade with experts of all descriptions — including Daniel Ellsberg, Seymour Hersh, Gar Alperovitz, Hans Kristensen, Gordon Prather, Joe Cirincione and more — about the threat of nuclear war between major and minor powers, the nuclear arms-industrial complex, the nuclear...

Ending the Yemen War

There’s a Resolution in the House, HJ Res 87, a War Powers Resolution demanding an end to all support for Saudi and UAE’s war in Yemen. The new Libertarian Party is working with all the great Yemen war activists to do a pressure campaign on Congress to support it. Massie and a few other GOPs support it. We’re also pushing the persuade the right from the right and the left from the left strategy to influence them. I believe that this really could be the margin to pass the...

RIP David Theroux

David J. Theroux, founder and president of the Independent Institute has died of heart failure. We are all very sad to hear of his passing. Best wishes to his wife Mary and the rest of their family.

Upcoming Speaking Events

I’ve got alot of speeches coming up. Most to LP state conventions and/or Mises Caucus events. February 26 Utah March 6 Kentucky March 12 New Jersey March 20 Tennessee March 26 Delaware April 3 Connecticut April 8 Irving, Texas FloteFest: April 30 Gause, Texas LP National Convention, Reno May 26-29 Sorry, no links. Figure it out.

RIP Roger G. Charles

Roger was a producer for 20/20. But he dedicated the last 25 years of his life to telling the truth to the people about the Oklahoma City bombing atrocity. He was a brave and good man, and a friend. He will be greatly missed.