11/03/10 – Josh Ruebner – The Scott Horton Show

Josh Ruebner, National Advocacy Director of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, discusses Caterpillar's reported cancellation of bulldozer shipments to Israel for the duration of the Rachel Corrie trial, how Israel's demolition of Palestinian homes works as slow motion ethnic cleansing, keeping up the appearance of a viable Palestinian government so the international community can pretend the conflict isn't completely one-sided and how Jewish settlements physically cut off East...

11/03/10 – Jeanne Theoharis – The Scott Horton Show

Jeanne Theoharis, professor of political science at Brooklyn College and co-founder of Educators for Civil Liberties, discusses Syed Fahad Hashmi's years of pretrial solitary confinement on extremely tenuous material support for al-Qaeda charges, how Syed's supposed accomplice became a government witness against him for a reduced sentence, classified evidence defendants can't see and lawyers need to be vetted for, Syed's acceptance of a 15-year plea deal one day before the trial's start,...

11/02/10 – Thomas E. Woods and Charles Goyette – The Scott Horton Show

Thomas E. Woods and Charles Goyette, authors of Meltdown and The Dollar Meltdown (respectively), discuss Washington Post writer David Broder’s assertion that a war with Iran would save Obama’s legacy and the economy, why it’s still important to fight against the myth that WWII caused the end of the Great Depression, how surging commodity prices and a falling dollar signal serious consumer price inflation by next year, the post-9/11 economic sugar high engineered by Alan 'Maestro' Greenspan’s...

11/02/10 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

Gareth Porter, independent historian and journalist for IPS News, discusses the Frago 242 'ignore Iraqi torture' order in the context of vigorous US support for Shi’ite militias battling the exploding Sunni insurgency, the influence of David Wurmser‘s 'Coping With Crumbling States' on original US plans to replace Iraq’s centralized nation state with a federation and how Mideast policy can best be described as a somewhat equal mix of stupidity and attempts to advance Israel’s interests.

11/02/10 – Joshua Kors – The Scott Horton Show

Joshua Kors, writer for The Nation, discusses the recent Congressional hearings on bogus 'personality disorder' military discharges of injured soldiers, Sergeant Chuck Luther’s Congressional testimony about his confinement and torture for refusing to accept his personality disorder diagnosis, the billions of dollars in health care improperly denied to veterans and how the Pentagon was caught lying about an outreach program that was supposed to help veterans without medical care.

11/02/10 Darwin BondGraham: the New START Treaty

Darwin Bond Graham, member of the Los Alamos Study Group, discusses the massive giveaways to weapons manufacturers that will occur after the Senate ratifies the New START Treaty, the 'prompt global strike' capability that will let Obama rain death on anyone in the world in 30 minutes or less [insert pizza delivery joke here], billions budgeted for new nuclear weapons infrastructure, the loophole in START accounting methods that makes a joke of mandatory weapons reductions and why...

11/01/10 – Jason Ditz – The Scott Horton Show

Jason Ditz, managing news editor at Antiwar.com, discusses the many suspicious details in the Yemen printer bomb plot, Obama's declaration of war on al-Qaeda's Arabian Peninsula franchise, a recent-history lesson on Yemeni civilian casualties from US drone strikes and why the somewhat decentralized and anarchic state of Yemen may be another nation-building candidate.

11/01/10 – Gary Brecher – The Scott Horton Show

The Exiled writer Gary Brecher, a.k.a. The War Nerd a.k.a. John Dolan, discusses his stint teaching English at the American University of Iraq Sulaimaniya, the pitched battles and million-plus casualties in 'The War Nobody Watched' Iran-Iraq War, how the US used Saddam Hussein as a proxy for revenge against Iran’s Revolution and the Hostage Crisis, Hussein’s slaughter of Jalal Talabani‘s Iran-allied Kurdish faction and how Iran’s larger population allowed them to outlast Iraq’s superior...

11/01/10 – Daniel Ellsberg – The Scott Horton Show

Daniel Ellsberg, the man who leaked the Pentagon Papers, discusses how WikiLeaks is shouldering the increasingly dangerous process of leaking and publishing classified documents, why a UK-style Official Secrets Act may be coming soon to America, how broad interpretation of the Espionage Act could make criminals of those who just read WikiLeaks or lend support, the mainstream media's half-serious cheerleading for Julian Assange's assassination, reams of evidence on war crimes in the Iraq War...

10/29/10 – Jason Ditz – The Scott Horton Show

Jason Ditz, managing news editor at Antiwar.com, discusses Pentagon criticisms of WikiLeaks’ Iraq War logs for simultaneously endangering the troops and having so little new information as to be non-newsworthy, exposing the military’s assertion that 'we don’t do body counts' as a total lie, differing U.S. reactions to the nearly identical torture practices of Saddam Hussein’s regime and post-occupation Shi’ite allies and why the New York Times — despite a 10 week advance preview of the...

10/29/10 – James Gordon Meek – The Scott Horton Show

James Gordon Meek, investigative reporter for the New York Daily News, discusses the FBI sting of accused D.C. bomb plotter Farooque Ahmed, well-paid informants who have an incentive to recruit patsies with fantastical terrorism plots and the re-emerging 'lone wolf' decentralized form of terrorism that has been endorsed by Al Qaeda.

10/29/10 – Jonathan Landay – The Scott Horton Show

Jonathan S. Landay, national security and intelligence correspondent for McClatchy Newspapers, discusses how Afghan peace talks primarily exist as fictional inventions of the Pentagon, the US divide-and-conquer strategy employed against insurgent groups that is supposed to marginalize hardliners, India’s concern that another Mumbai attack would create overwhelming political pressure for military action against Pakistan, how a US withdrawal would turn Afghanistan into 'Somalia on steroids' and...

10/28/10 – Thomas Harrington – The Scott Horton Show

Thomas Harrington, Associate professor of Hispanic Studies at Trinity College in Hartford, discusses the history and ongoing changes of South American politics, waning US regional influence evidenced by the almost complete disappearance of puppet dictators, ethnic-European dominance of the social hierarchy, economic recovery in Argentina following the rejection of IMF dictates and how — despite high profile failures — there can be mutually beneficial free trade agreements.

10/28/10 – Cindy Corrie – The Scott Horton Show

Cindy Corrie, President of the Rachel Corrie Foundation, discusses the civil lawsuit against the State of Israel and its Ministry of Defense for the unlawful killing of her daughter Rachel in 2003, the strange operating practices of Israel's court system — including privacy screens for some witnesses and a casual disregard for perjury, the contradictory testimony of the bulldozer driver who caused Rachel's death, assurances from U.S. officials in the State Department and Vice President's...

10/28/10 – Jeremy Hammond – The Scott Horton Show

Jeremy R. Hammond, founder and editor of Foreign Policy Journal, discusses newly disclosed documents that shed light on pre-9/11 negotiations between the Taliban and U.S. about handing over Osama bin Laden, the 'warning fatigue' that lead to U.S. officials ignoring Taliban tip offs of an impending Al Qaeda attack, the competition between Unocal and Argentina’s Bridas for an Afghanistan pipeline contract, the disputed authenticity of video evidence of bin Laden claiming responsibility for 9/11,...