11/12/10 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi discusses the very-delayed 2010 National Intelligence Estimate on Iran, the clouding of Iran’s clear NPT right to uranium enrichment for civilian nuclear power with talk about ambiguous 'breakout' capabilities, the US rejection of Iran’s fair 3-party uranium swap proposal with Turkey and Brazil, how the constantly moving US diplomatic goalposts make it clear Iran’s nuclear program will never be tolerated and the warm Washington welcome for members of...

11/11/10 – Rae Abileah – The Scott Horton Show

Rae Abileah, national organizer with CODEPINK Women for Peace and a member of Jewish Voice for Peace, discusses her participation in a nonviolent protest (YouTube video here) during Benjamin Netanyahu's speech in New Orleans, the angry and violent response from the audience who wouldn't tolerate Jewish voices of dissent against Israel's policies and why young Jews are increasingly at odds with the right-wing Israeli agenda that has no interest in the traditional pursuit of social justice.

11/11/10 – Meryl Nass – The Scott Horton Show

Meryl Nass, practicing physician and blogger on anthrax-related issues, discusses the one-third of Gulf War veterans with Gulf War Syndrome, the re-instituted requirement for soldiers to accept potentially dangerous anthrax and small pox vaccines, why the VA's typical treatment for Gulf War Syndrome is to prescribe psychiatric drugs, tests on depleted uranium that discovered an unsafe mix containing radioactive isotopes, the lack of evidence in the FBI's conclusion that Bruce Ivins was behind...

11/11/10 – Jim Powell – The Scott Horton Show

Jim Powell, senior fellow at the Cato Institute and author of Wilson's War: How Woodrow Wilson's Great Blunder Led to Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and World War II, discusses how US entry into WWI broke a three year stalemate and gave the allied forces a decisive victory, how the punitive Treaty of Versailles and crippling hyperinflation from war reparations provoked a defiant German nationalist reaction creating an environment receptive to Hitler's rise to power, Woodrow Wilson's arrogant creation...

11/10/10 – Katherine Gallagher – The Scott Horton Show

Katherine Gallagher, Senior Staff Attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, discusses the disappointing end to John Durham’s multi-year investigation into CIA torture tape destruction (coinciding exactly with the expiring statute of limitations), why half-assed limited investigations may not be enough to placate European judges from prosecuting US government officials under universal jurisdiction, low expectations for Durham’s remaining preliminary investigation into 'unauthorized'...

11/10/10 – Mike Gogulski – The Scott Horton Show

Mike Gogulski, founder of the Bradley Manning Support Network, discusses Bradley Manning friend and website supporter David House's detainment and questioning by FBI and DHS officials who also confiscated his laptop, nearly complete fundraising efforts for Manning's legal defense, chances the new Congress will draft legislation similar to the UK's law against withholding encryption passwords from law enforcement and proof that WikiLeaks doesn't only pick on the US government: upcoming releases...

11/10/10 – Angela Keaton – The Scott Horton Show

Angela Keaton, Antiwar.com Development Director and Antiwar Radio producer, discusses the big cutbacks from Antiwar.com's more generous donors that make small monthly donations more important than ever and how the Amazon.com and Capital One credit card programs let you help Antiwar.com by shopping at Amazon and using your credit card as usual.

11/09/10 – Grant F. Smith – The Scott Horton Show

Grant F. Smith, director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy in Washington, D.C., discusses newly declassified documents from the US Senate’s 1963 investigation of foreign agents following the Israeli false flag 'Lavon Affair,' how enforcement of FARA prompted the American Zionist Council to reorganize as a non-registered lobby (now called AIPAC), the hundreds of quashed FBI and DOJ investigations into the Israel lobby’s routine lawbreaking, how the biggest scandals involving...

11/08/10 – John Feffer – The Scott Horton Show

John Feffer, co-director of Foreign Policy In Fo13cus at the Institute for Policy Studies, discusses the original Islamic caliphate that was hardly world-conquering even at its peak around 1000 years ago, how periodic US alliances with 'radical' Islam (in opposition to the USSR for example) shows that realpolitik transcends religious concerns, the multiple schisms between different sects and state-less/national powers in Islamic countries and the broad divergence between rhetoric and reality...

11/08/10 – Andy Worthington – The Scott Horton Show

Andy Worthington, author of The Guantanamo Files, discusses George W. Bush’s admission that he emphatically approved of waterboarding — with the unsupported caveat that it saved lives, the post-9/11 US torture regime designed to extract 'evidence' linking al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, tracing DHS orange alerts back to false confessions of torture victims, how Congress essentially jails scheduled-for-release Guantanamo prisoners for 2 weeks while vetting their releases, the abolition of...

11/08/10 – Angela Keaton – The Scott Horton Show

Angela Keaton, Antiwar.com Development Director and Antiwar Radio producer, discusses the emergency fundraising drive to keep Antiwar.com going strong, Scott Horton's new Antiwar Radio gig on KPFK Los Angeles and our promise to fight the war party no matter who occupies the White House and Congress.

11/04/10 – Matthew Duss – The Scott Horton Show

Matthew Duss, National Security Researcher/Blogger at American Progress, discusses new House Foreign Affairs Committee chairwoman/hardliner Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, victorious Republicans declaring the end of Obama’s supposed 'appeasement' of Iran, Congressional bipartisanship masquerading as righteousness and why Iran really is a threat to US interests (when you consider the grand ambitions of a global hegemon).

11/04/10 – Cindy Sheehan – The Scott Horton Show

Peace activist Cindy Sheehan discusses the 'myth of the two party system,' the curious case and recent conviction of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, Rahm Emanuel’s attempt to purge antiwar candidates from the 2006 Democratic primary elections, why only poor people need to worry about austerity measures and coming to the realization that the fight isn’t between Democrats and Republicans but between the government and you.

11/04/10 – Becky Akers – The Scott Horton Show

Becky Akers, columnist at Lewrockwell.com, discusses the 'Railroading of Omar Khadr,' the 15-year old Khadr’s travel to Afghanistan with his al-Qaeda associated father, disputed accounts of a US raid during which Khadr was seriously injured and arrested for killing a medic, the torture Khadr endured while incarcerated at Guantanamo for 8 years and his Military Commission plea deal for time served plus eight more years (7 of those in a Canadian prison).