11/24/10 – David Swanson – The Scott Horton Show

David Swanson, author of War is a Lie, discusses the lies routinely made before, during and after a war; how FDR provoked and allowed the Pearl Harbor attack out of desperation to get the US into WWII; the contradictory narratives required to convince both the Left and the Right a particular war is worth fighting; how continued popular reverence for military service keeps the war machine going; why courage and valor are not commendable attributes when used for evil purposes; how private...

11/23/10 – Rep. Ron Paul – The Scott Horton Show

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) discusses his preferred Korea policy in light of the North/South military clash: pull out all US forces and let the regional powers mediate if necessary; how Osama bin Laden's plan to bankrupt the US empire (as he did to the USSR before) seems to be working perfectly; how government programs (like Obamacare) are incredibly difficult to repeal once enacted, the devastation wrought on Iraqi Christian communities since the US invastion and the groundswell of Americans who are...

11/23/10 – Anand Gopal – The Scott Horton Show

Independent journalist Anand Gopal discusses the embarrassing revelation that a Taliban impostor was involved in high-level negotiations with ISAF officials; how constantly-shifting goals and deadlines show the US is clueless in Afghanistan; how the clear, hold and build strategy is degenerating into the collective punishment of civilians and how the failure to peacefully integrate the surrendered Taliban leadership back into Afghan society gave rise to the insurgency.

11/23/10 – Charles Armstrong – The Scott Horton Show

Charles K. Armstrong, Professor of Korean Studies at Columbia University, discusses the heavily militarized Korean DMZ and disputed borders that make North/South conflicts unavoidable; how the N. Korean bombardment was a response (justified or not) to provocative S. Korean war games; how US interference — including a significant military presence in the South — hobbles reunification talks; Seoul's risk of annihilation by an artillery barrage from the North and why N. Korean dictator Kim...

11/23/10 – Angela Keaton – The Scott Horton Show

Angela Keaton, Antiwar.com Development Director and Antiwar Radio producer, discusses how using a Capital One credit card and/or shopping at Amazon.com (which has everything from vegan jerky to foot massagers) can help Antiwar.com raise money for operations; how money orders and other forms of payment can be sent via snail mail to 1017 El Camino Real, Redwood City, CA 94063; the availability of matching funds for donations $100 and up until November 29th and how you can reach Angela directly...

11/22/10 – Tom Engelhardt – The Scott Horton Show

Tom Engelhardt, author of The American Way of War: How Bush’s Wars Became Obama’s, discusses the legacy of Blowback author Chalmers Johnson who died November 20, how Johnson changed from a self-described 'spear carrier for empire' to a sharp and authoritative critic of US foreign policy, learning from Blowback that covert ops have real consequences even if Americans don’t realize what is being done in their names, how positive initial book reviews of The Sorrows of Empire somehow failed to...

11/22/10 – Angela Keaton – The Scott Horton Show

Angela Keaton, Antiwar.com Development Director and Antiwar Radio producer, discusses the $23 thousand in matching funds available for donations of $100 or more through Novemeber 29th and the death of Libertarian Party founder and Antiwar.com friend David Nolan.

11/22/10 – Grant F. Smith – The Scott Horton Show

Grant F. Smith, director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy in Washington, D.C., discusses Steve Rosen's $20 million defamation lawsuit against AIPAC, a reminder that the whole Larry Franklin/Rosen/AIPAC cloak and dagger operation was to determine (and front-run) the Bush administration's internal deliberations on Iran policy, how Rosen's frenzied rush to warn Israel's embassy about his FBI encounter shows where AIPAC's loyalties are and why all the pretrial mudslinging is...

11/22/10 – Becky Akers – The Scott Horton Show

Becky Akers, columnist at Lewrockwell.com, discusses the Transportation Security Administration’s dual purpose: to give air travelers a good show of security theater and to inure Americans to a police state, why engaging in protest is the only good reason left to visit an airport, the superficial proposals to 'privatize' TSA screeners without changing their operating methods and why it isn’t possible to prevent terrorism in a free society (but the threat can be decreased with a peaceful...

11/19/10 – Ira Chernus – The Scott Horton Show

Ira Chernus, professor of religious studies and Jewish peace activist, discusses how the Israeli/Palestinian conflict polarizes American opinion like during the Vietnam War era, the detrimental effects of occupation on the Israeli state (given that the Palestinians suffer far more), why Obama needs more political support before he can force concessions on Israel and broker a peace deal, the many Leftist activists newly-energized by Republican gains in Congress and how settlement freezes show...

11/19/10 – Donald Gilliland – The Scott Horton Show

Donald Gilliland, journalist at Central Pennsylvania local news site PennLive.com, discusses his series of articles chronicling the PA Office of Homeland Security’s practice of tracking Marcellus Shale activist groups — going far beyond their mandate of protecting infrastructure, the outsourcing of surveillance to American/Israeli security contractor ITRR, arguments between privacy advocates and the 'if you have nothing to hide there’s nothing to worry about' crowd and how the state DHS office...

11/19/10 – Angela Keaton – The Scott Horton Show

Angela Keaton, Antiwar.com Development Director and Antiwar Radio producer, discusses alternative donations that are very helpful — including computer components and software and airline vouchers, the many interns and volunteers working behind the scenes to keep Antiwar.com running and how Antiwar.com webmaster Eric Garris works hard to stretch your donation dollars.

11/19/10 – Karen Tostado – The Scott Horton Show

Karen Tostado of United We Strike discusses the environmental destruction caused by US Navy war games and how she is organizing a worldwide strike against 'governments gone wild.' Further information about the military impact on the environment can be found at the Agriculture Defense Coalition.

11/19/10 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

Gareth Porter, independent historian and journalist for IPS News, discusses the fraudulent evidence that is cited as proof Iran had a nuclear weapons program and how outdated missile schematics in the MEK (or Mossad)-sourced 'smoking laptop' cast suspicion on the rest of the purloined (or fabricated) documents.

11/19/10 – Eric Margolis – The Scott Horton Show

Eric Margolis, foreign correspondent and author of War at the Top of the World and American Raj, discusses the escalated tensions between the US and Yemen following the bizarre toner cartridge bomb plot, drone strikes and CIA intrigue in Yemen going back to 2005, how the proliferation of anti-US groups is causing a 'national nervous breakdown,' increased intervention in Africa that will soon create a new Southern Sudan nation and why the primary concern about Yemen is the threat it poses to...