12/06/10 – Jason Ditz – The Scott Horton Show

Jason Ditz, managing news editor at Antiwar.com, discusses the worldwide crackdown on WikiLeaks and Julian Assange; why — despite the government’s uproar about 'dangerous' leaks — there’s not even a pretense of holding State Department officials accountable for their criminal actions; how Cablegate shows the US government is well aware how badly the Afghanistan occupation is going; why European governments believe Afghanistan is a lost cause but continue support out of deference to the US; and...

12/06/10 – Eli Clifton – The Scott Horton Show

Eli Clifton, U.S. foreign policy writer at the Washington bureau of IPS News, discusses Lobelog’s Daily Talking Points feature that keeps tabs on the war party’s Iran hawks; contradictory evidence to the MSM’s claim that Arab governments want war with Iran; neocon efforts to scuttle the diplomatic 'linkage' of the Palestine problem with other regional affairs; why Hillary Clinton’s softened rhetoric on Iran’s civilian nuclear energy program doesn’t indicate a policy shift; and how establishing...

12/06/10 – James Bovard – The Scott Horton Show

James Bovard, author of Attention Deficit Democracy, discusses the Obama administration's claim that they have the right to kill American citizens without a trial, without notice, and without any chance for targets to legally object; the unfortunate American tendency toward blind deference to the law even (and especially) when it is unjust; how George W. Bush was given a GOP standing ovation as a reward for trashing the Constitution; and why the WikiLeaks issue is an excellent yardstick for...

12/04/10 – Hillary Mann Leverett – The Scott Horton Show

This interview is from the KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles broadcast of December 3rd, available here. Hillary Mann Leverett, former State Department official and co-founder of The Race For Iran, discusses Obama's campaign rhetoric about diplomatic engagement with enemy states and his subsequent appointment of advisers with contrary views; WikiLeaks cables that clearly show the duplicity of Obama's dealings with Iran; how the 3-party enriched uranium swap deal was deliberately sabotaged — in part by...

12/03/10 – Andy Worthington – The Scott Horton Show

Andy Worthington, author of The Guantanamo Files, discusses the WikiLeaks-revealed US negotiations to offload Guantanamo inmates scheduled for release; why resettling wrongfully-imprisoned Guantanamo detainees in the US remains politically impossible; how Obama can't — or won't — stand up to Republicans who won't countenance the possibility of closing Gitmo and holding terrorism trials in federal courts; and the large portion of Americans subscribing to Sarah Palin's fact-free...

12/03/10 – Jason Leopold – The Scott Horton Show

Jason Leopold, investigative reporter and Deputy Managing Editor of Truthout, discusses the standard Guantanamo practice of forcing detainees to take dangerously high doses of potent antimalarial drugs; how the long-lasting psychiatric side effects of mefloquine may have been exploited as yet another 'enhanced interrogation' tactic; and how the exacerbated effect of mefloquine on those with PTSD and other mental impairments could explain the 2002 rash of Fort Bragg wife-murders.

12/03/10 – Melvin Goodman – The Scott Horton Show

Melvin Goodman, former senior Soviet analyst at the CIA, discusses why WikiLeaks' Cablegate is a big data-dump and not the work of foreign intelligence services; documents that show inaccurate information flowing from the US embassy in Georgia back to Washington during the S. Ossetia conflict; disagreements about the quality and honesty of journalism in the NYT and Washington Post; and the question why — if these cables are so ordinary and unremarkable — are so many of them...

12/02/10 – Jason Ditz – The Scott Horton Show

Jason Ditz, managing news editor at Antiwar.com, discusses the standard WikiLeaks put-downs: Assange is a terrorist with blood on his hands and the leaks don't reveal anything important that wasn't already known; Glenn Greenwald's article that shows the war party's blood lust is never satiated; how the most hyped MSM story derived from Cablegate on Iran's missile program turned out to be bogus; proof that Abu Ghraib inspired hundreds of Saudis to fight the US; and why the US policy on torture...

12/02/10 – Larisa Alexandrovna – The Scott Horton Show

Larisa Alexandrovna, Managing Editor of investigative news for RawStory, discusses her article on diplomatic talks between the US and Israel revealed by WikiLeaks; Mossad Director Meir Dagan's attempt to give the US no alternative to a war with Iran; the five pillars of Israeli strategy for regime change in Iran, meant to be implemented simultaneously; and indications US and Israeli support for the MEK has enabled terrorist attacks inside Iran.

12/02/10 – Scott Horton – The Scott Horton Show

The Other Scott Horton (no relation), international human rights lawyer, professor and contributing editor at Harper’s magazine, discusses the extraordinary effort by the US State Department to scuttle the indictments of American government and military officials in Spanish courts; how the US embassy in Madrid effectively manipulated Spanish prosecutors, judges and the judicial system at large; the leaked diplomatic cable addressed to Condi Rice about German rendition victim Khaled El-Masri...

12/01/10 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

Gareth Porter, independent historian and journalist for IPS News, discusses how WikiLeaks badly underestimated the mainstream media's ability to filter out material damaging to government, the Russian debunking of the US theory that Iran got advanced ballistic missiles from N. Korea, the New York Times' leading role in spreading anti-Iran propaganda and how omissions within the Pentagon's Afghanistan progress report indicate the insurgency's growing strength.

12/01/10 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi discusses the theory that WikiLeaks is carrying out the agenda of a foreign power, the State Department engaging in CIA-style espionage, the US/Israeli 5-part plan for regime change in Iran and why Bradley Manning‘s (alleged) exposure of government-gone-wild is laudable but should be prosecuted.

12/01/10 – Doug Bandow – The Scott Horton Show

Doug Bandow, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, discusses how brinkmanship on the Korean peninsula could start a war nobody really wants, a first-hand account of deeply troubled Afghanistan, the introduction of US Abrams tanks after nine years of occupation and how corrupt Afghan police push ordinary civilians toward the insurgency.

11/26/10 – Grant F. Smith, John Feffer and Anand Gopal – The Scott Horton Show

This interview of Grant F. Smith, John Feffer and Anand Gopal is from the KPFK Los Angeles 90.7 FM broadcast of Friday, November 26. The unedited segment can be heard here. Grant F. Smith of IRMEP.org discusses Steven Rosen's defamation lawsuit against his former employer AIPAC and what a renewed FBI criminal investigation could mean for the premiere Israel lobby in America. John Feffer of Foreign Policy in Focus discusses (starting at 19:45 in the recording) the military conflict between...

11/24/10 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

Gareth Porter, independent historian and journalist for IPS News, discusses the newly-released IAEA Iran report that 'continues to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material in Iran' but can’t verify the Rumsfeldian 'absence of undeclared nuclear activities' as mandated by the UN Security Council; the IAEA’s far-more stringent enforcement of NPT obligations in Iran as compared to South Korea (which was guilty of serious violations); North Korea’s significant new uranium enrichment...