08/20/12 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

IPS News journalist Gareth Porter discusses the US government's coverup of civilians killed by drone strikes in Pakistan; the drone war's false billing as a precise and effective tactic against terrorism; why the Obama administration won't admit the Afghan war has spread to Pakistan; the Bush administration's comparative restraint in Afghanistan; and David Petraeus's tenure at the CIA.  

08/20/12 – Lew Rockwell – The Scott Horton Show

Lew Rockwell, chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, discusses the government "gang of thieves writ large;" why "monetary policy" is just a fancy term for counterfeiting; the DHS's new arsenal of hollow point rounds and bullet proof checkpoint booths; using laughter and ridicule to challenge unlawful authority; central banking and world wars; how government meddling increased costs in health care and education; and why Ron Paul's epic speaking tour on liberty won't end when he retires...

08/16/12 – Marcy Wheeler – The Scott Horton Show

Blogger Marcy Wheeler discusses Ecuador's decision to grant diplomatic asylum to Wikileaks' Julian Assange; consequent British threats to revoke embassy sovereignty and detain Assange by force; the broad assumption that US pressure is forcing the British overreaction; Sweden's previous cooperation with CIA torture rendition requests; and why this is probably all about extraditing Assange to the US, where he'll be put in Guantanamo or prosecuted under the Espionage Act.

08/16/12 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

Journalist Gareth Porter discusses why Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are bluffing when they threaten a unilateral attack on Iran; how the Bush administration's hawkish Iran policy advanced - rather than hindered - Iran's nuclear program; why Netanyahu doesn't have enough leverage to get President Obama to start a war; and why high-level US policymakers are almost always "bad people with terrible ideas."

08/16/12 – Tim Kelly – The Scott Horton Show

Tim Kelly of the Future of Freedom Foundation discusses his article "The MAD Myth;" why nuclear arsenals haven't diminished much since the Cold War's end; the Allied firebombing of German and Japanese cities in WWII; debunking the rationalization for nuking Japan; how dumb luck - not MAD detente - has saved us from all-out nuclear war; Curtis LeMay and other Strangelovian figures in US history; and why oil-producing countries threatening the petrodollar's dominance had better watch their backs.

08/15/12 – Dina Rasor – The Scott Horton Show

Dina Rasor, founder of the Project on Government Oversight, discusses why Congress keeps providing funds for M-1 tanks the Army doesn't want; how cheap IEDs made heavily armored vehicles a liability in Iraq and Afghanistan; and the M-1's flawed design and anachronistic purpose - fighting WWIII against Soviet tanks in Europe.  

08/15/12 – Deborah Robinet – The Scott Horton Show

Deborah Robinet discusses the P.A.U.L. Festival (People Awakening and Uniting for Liberty) to pay tribute to Ron Paul in Tampa, Florida on August 24-26; the guest speakers and bands scheduled to play; and the official Paul presidential campaign's strange tactics.

08/15/12 – Flynt Leverett – The Scott Horton Show

Former State Department, CIA and NSC official Flynt Leverett discusses US policy on Syria and Iran; why most Syrians don't support the radical Islamic rebellion; how US interference prevents a power sharing agreement and an end to violence; the Obama administration's ideological blinders; delusions of post-Cold War American hegemony in the Middle East; why secular liberal governments rarely come to power after regime changes; and Bibi Netanyahu's game of brinksmanship on war with Iran.

08/14/12 – Alfred McCoy – The Scott Horton Show

History professor Alfred McCoy discusses how the Bush and Obama administrations have created a torture regime with "impunity at home, rendition abroad;" Bush's policy change after the Iraq Abu Ghraib embarrassment, when Iraqis and Afghans took over torture duty and American soldiers kept their mouths shut about it; the pathology of impunity that's endemic among high government officials; the torture debate between FBI agent Ali Soufan and Dick Cheney/CIA; and how universal jurisdiction could...

08/14/12 – Marjorie Cohn – The Scott Horton Show

Law professor Marjorie Cohn discusses the legacy of Agent Orange on millions of Vietnamese civilians and American soldiers; the lawsuits and cleanup efforts still underway (or just beginning); and why you should pressure Congress to pass HR 2634 - The Victims of Agent Orange Relief Act of 2011.

08/14/12 – Daniel Larison – The Scott Horton Show

Daniel Larison of The American Conservative discusses Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan's terrible foreign policy views; the bipartisan consensus on worldwide interventionism and American exceptionalism; and the prospects for war and peace in a Romney administration.

08/14/12 – Chase Madar – The Scott Horton Show

Chase Madar, author of The Passion of Bradley Manning, discusses Manning's defense lawyer David Coombs' motion to dismiss - based on Bradley's mistreatment in pretrial custody; the brave psychiatrists at the Quantico brig who protested Manning's treatment, even though they were pressured by a general; and why similar treatment of other prisoners is all too "cruel and usual" in the US prison system.

08/13/12 – Nick Pinto – The Scott Horton Show

Nick Pinto, reporter for the Village Voice, discusses Chris Hedges, Dan Ellsberg, et al.'s lawsuit asking the court to enjoin the president from exercising the powers in the National Defense Authorization Act to detain Americans indefinitely with military power, the judges defiant tone toward the government's position and preliminary temporary injunction, Obama's argument that a simple Boumediene habeus hearing will be good enough for you, the Milligan case after the Civil War, and the lack of...

08/13/12 – Philip Weiss – The Scott Horton Show

Philip Weiss of the MondoWeiss blog discusses his recent trip to Israel and Palestine where he spoke with Sheldon Adelson, Romney's bomb at the King David Hotel, the spectacle of American presidential candidates bowing and scraping before the leaders of a foreign state, the martial law atmosphere in East Jerusalem, the impossibility of a two-state solution now, and the leading "intellectuals" like Thomas Friedman and David Brooks who were never held accountable for their role in the Iraq...

08/10/12 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Philip Giraldi, executive director of the Council for the National Interest, discusses Ehud Barak's bogus intel, the danger of Israel getting us into a war with Iran, supporting al Qaeda-ish rebels in Syria, parallels to the disasters in Libya and Iraq and the pathetic weakness of Barack Obama.