10/19/12 – Alex Sandberg – The Scott Horton Show

Student and filmmaker Alex Sandberg discusses The Military Mind, his documentary-in-progress about PTSD; the macho military culture that encourages injured soldiers to "suck it up and drive on;" the onerous burden of proof required to get VA benefits; and how you can help get Alex's documentary funded and completed.

10/19/12 – Jacob Hornberger – The Scott Horton Show

Jacob Hornberger, founder and president of the Future of Freedom Foundation, briefly discusses the FFF's Civil Liberties College Tour - featuring guest speakers Glenn Greenwald and Bruce Fein - that concludes today (October 19th) at the University of Colorado-Boulder. Transcript: http://scotthorton.org/2012/10/19/101912-jacob-hornberger/ http://dissentradio.com/radio/12_10_19_hornberger.mp3  SCOTT HORTON INTERVIEWS JACOB HORNBERGER FUTURE OF FREEDOM FOUNDATION CIVIL LIBERTIES COLLEGE TOUR...

10/19/12 – Omar Shakir – The Scott Horton Show

Stanford University law student Omar Shakir discusses the NYU/Stanford "Living Under Drones" report; the Obama administration's deceitful accounting of Pakistani civilians killed by drone strikes; how drones subvert international law and make it easier to start wars; and the dangers of proliferation.

10/19/12 – Charles Goyette – The Scott Horton Show

Charles Goyette, author of The Dollar Meltdown, discusses President Obama and Mitt Romney's scapegoating of China for the US's economic problems; why we should be worried that the Federal Reserve is the biggest holder of Treasury bonds; the hypocritical pundits who complain about China's currency manipulation; and how trade tariffs allow the government to pick winners and losers in business - while increasing costs for consumers.

10/17/12 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

IPS News journalist Gareth Porter discusses "How the U.S. Quietly Lost the IED War in Afghanistan;" President Obama's rhetorical style of chest-thumping warmongering; how every (incredibly expensive) US countermeasure against IED's is defeated by simple, cheap modifications in bomb design; the surge in US casualties that followed Obama's troop escalation in Afghanistan; a fourth round of P5+1 Iran talks concerning sanctions relief and 20% uranium enrichment; and evidence that even Israel's...

10/16/12 – Naureen Shah – The Scott Horton Show

Naureen Shah of the Human Rights Institute discusses the under-counting of deaths from US drone strikes; problems with applying "civilian" or "militant" labels to Pakistani tribesmen; the shortcomings in WWII-era laws of war; and how drones allow the Obama administration to start and escalate wars on the sly.  

10/16/12 – Michael Ratner – The Scott Horton Show

Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights and attorney for WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, discusses the declassified documents that show the US Military Designated Assange "Enemy of State;" the stalemate between the British government, Assange, Swedish prosecutors, the DOJ and the Ecuadorian embassy; the rumored grand jury indictment against Assange for espionage; Bradley Manning's sham trial; and why WikiLeaks is a legitimate journalistic organization like the NY Times,...

10/15/12 – Eric Margolis – The Scott Horton Show

Eric Margolis, journalist and author of American Raj, discusses the war in Mali and "colonialism part 2" in Africa; why the MSM says every Islamic anti-Western group is "linked to Al-Qaeda;" consequences from the US-backed coup in Mauritania; France's brutally efficient brand of colonialism; why India is developing ICBM's that can reach the US; and the military-industrial-complex's fear of the looming "fiscal cliff."

10/15/12 – Adam Morrow – The Scott Horton Show

IPS News journalist Adam Morrow discusses the recent violent protests in Egypt; the constitutional conflict between Egypt's President Morsi and the judiciary; the hidden hands trying to undermine the Islamic government and exacerbate religious tensions; and Morsi's (and the Muslim Brotherhood's) support for Syria's rebels.

10/10/12 – Pepe Escobar – The Scott Horton Show

Globetrotting Asia Times journalist Pepe Escobar discusses the US's complicated relationship with Hugo Chavez; South America's independent economic and political union; the push to end the supply-side war on drugs; why NATO won't be able to bomb their way to regime change in Syria; instability in Jordan; why sanctions aren't winning any hearts and minds in Iran; oil pipeline politics in the Middle East and Central Asia; and why the big Western energy corporations are losing the Great Game.

10/09/12 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi discusses the NYPD's international intelligence operations; Mitt Romney's alarming foreign policy speech; why Rand Paul's proposed foreign aid cuts aren't what they seem; how Turkey and Syria could end up at war; and the US's silly preconditions for a political settlement with the Taliban.

10/09/12 – Conn Hallinan – The Scott Horton Show

Foreign Policy in Focus journalist Conn Hallinan discusses how Syria's civil war could provoke a regional conflagration; the irony of despotic Gulf monarchies providing the fighters, money and arms to "democratize" Syria; how the Obama administration makes peaceful diplomatic settlements impossible; and the US/Israeli strategies for dominating the Middle East.

10/08/12 – Grant F. Smith – The Scott Horton Show

Grant F. Smith, director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy, discusses his article "Spy Crisis Launched AIPAC's Think Tank;" WINEP Research Director Patrick Clawson's now infamous speech on how to instigate war the American way; how the Israel lobby periodically reinvents itself to avoid being shut down by the feds; a brief history lesson on the Lavon Affair; and AIPAC's involvement in drafting legislation on regulating the internet.

10/08/12 – John Glaser – The Scott Horton Show

Antiwar.com editor John Glaser discusses why Hamid Karzai said the US war in Afghanistan "will not succeed;" the total failure of Obama's surge strategy; and why the US should withdraw and leave India and Pakistan to fight over Afghanistan's future.

10/05/12 – Jacob Hornberger – The Scott Horton Show

Jacob Hornberger, founder and president of the Future of Freedom Foundation, discusses the FFF's Civil Liberties College Tour from October 15-19th featuring Glenn Greenwald and Bruce Fein; why the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments (under constant attack by the government) are just as important as the First and Second; and how US-imposed sanctions on Iran are in effect a war on the Iranian people.