03/12/14 – Jason Leopold – The Scott Horton Show

Journalist Jason Leopold discusses the government's Orwellian war on words wherein Guantanamo hunger strikers are said to be on "long term non-religious fasts;" the media blackout on Guantanamo; and the painful process of force feeding. Transcript Hi y'all how's it going. Welcome to the show it's the Scott Horton Show, I'm Scott Horton. You know I used to concerned about this Hunger-Strike down in Guantanamo Bay, bunch of people , most of them were kidnapped and sold for bounty by the...

03/12/14 – Alan Butler – The Scott Horton Show

Alan Butler, host of the Liberty Express Radio show "Butler on Business," discusses the manipulation of BLS statistics for political gain; why the population/employment ratio is a better jobs indicator than the commonly used U3 unemployment rate; and why inflation is much higher than officially reported.

03/11/14 – Dahr Jamail – The Scott Horton Show

Dahr Jamail, a Truthout staff reporter, discusses the Fallujah civilians being killed by Iraq's government; the events leading up to the 2004 killing of four Blackwater mercenaries and the subsequent US assault on Fallujah; the continuing consequences of Bush's disastrous Iraq war; and why Nuri al-Maliki is basically a Shiite Saddam Hussein. Transcript Welcome back to the show, I'm Scott Horton this is my show, The Scott Horton Show. This is going to be like a time warp back to ten years ago,...

03/11/14 – Jacob Hornberger – The Scott Horton Show

Jacob Hornberger, founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, discusses how surveillance/intelligence agencies have become the de facto fourth branch of government; Diane Feinstein's apparent outrage at the CIA spying on her staff's attempt at oversight; the implications of spying on government officials (and handing the info over to Israel); and the folly of NATO and mutual defense treaties. Transcript Alright welcome to the show, I'm Scott Horton, this is my show the Scott...

03/10/14 – Grant F. Smith – The Scott Horton Show

Grant F. Smith, director of IRMEP, discusses the successful National Summit to Reassess the U.S. - Israel "Special Relationship" in Washington last weekend. Transcript  Scott Horton (SH): _Welcome back to the show, I"m Scott Horton and it looks like I just missed Jonathan Landay, we'll see if we can get him on the show tomorrow. Our next guest is Grant F Smith for the Institute for Research Middle East Policy and he is the author of a great many books, including: Divert: Numec, Zalman...

03/10/14 – Marcy Wheeler – The Scott Horton Show

Blogger Marcy Wheeler discusses evidence that the CIA is spying on its overseers in the Senate Intelligence Committee; why CIA torturers are allowed anonymity and freedom from prosecution; the direct connection between the torture program and the NSA's phone records dragnet; and Obama's coverup of the torture program's presidential authorization. Transcript Scott Horton (SH): Welcome back to the show Marcy, how are you doing? Marcy Wheeler(MW):_ Hey good to be back SH: Sorry to keep you on...

03/10/14 – Ted Snider – The Scott Horton Show

Journalist Ted Snider discusses his article "Ukraine and Twenty-First Century Coups;" the formula for overthrowing elected governments with "democratic" street protests backed by Western powers; and the silent coups in Honduras, Paraguay, and (probably) Ukraine. Transcript All right welcome back to the show, I'm Scott Horton, this is my show. We're here from 3-5 Eastern time, Monday - Friday on the Liberty Express. Our next guest today is Ted Snider he's been writing lately...