Sibel Edmonds Files to Have Judge Walton Removed

Via Sibel Edmonds, re: Judge Walton For Immediate Release- March 22, 2006 Contact for Commentary: Professor William Weaver, , (915.525.0483(M); 505.216.9853(H)) Federal Judge in Libby Trial Deliberately Hides Financial Background Possible Violation of Federal Law Charged by FBI Whistleblower Today, Sibel Edmonds, Former FBI Language Specialist and a whistleblower, filed a motion in D.C. Federal Court asking for recusal of Judge Reggie Walton from her pending case filed under...

How best to leave Iraq?

I am so tired of this phony debate. The employees of the US government don't have the right to kill one more person, commit one more kidnapping or act of torture against the people of Iraq - or to spend one more taxed dollar doing so either. No right. Is that not simple enough? Brad Blog has the video (about 1/3 into it) of some of the atrocities of last November, which was, at least, more peaceful than the November before that.

Helen Thomas Vs Bush Jr. Video

via Crooks and Liars. I love it - Herskowitz, O'Neill, and Clarke are all liars, you are all stupid, and the war will last at least another 3 years. Note to self, when in trouble, refer to your list of "safe" reporters. Update: Newshounds skewers the Fox New hacks who attempted to smear Thomas.

Let’s Go Get Saddam and Get Out!

How many times did you hear some idiot say this in the waning months of 2002 and beginning of 2003? How many of you believe that 25% support for a war in our great "democracy" ought to indicate that the end of it is near? It's not. Of course, the word has been out on the 14 "enduring bases" for two years, but there is a lot of conflicting information around, like this story from last week where Bush said the mission would be "turned over" to the Iraqis by the end of the year. Now he's being a...

The U.S. Senate: 99 Cowards

Why is it up to Russ Feingold to call for censure of the President (which really just amounts to an unconstitutional bill of attainder with no penalty) for using the military to tap our phones? Why is he all alone? The entire Senate ought to be voting for a resolution calling for the House to hurry and pass up some articles of impeachment for them to convict and remove on. These folks are supposedly our representatives up there, and what do we get? A bunch of nothing. According to Craig...