Will Grigg, blogger and author of Liberty in Eclipse, discusses the origins and authoritarian tendencies of the Democratic and Republican parties, Alexander Hamilton's role in quelling the Whiskey Rebellion and his legacy of centralized economic and military power, the carefully orchestrated packaging and branding of Barack Obama as an agent of peace and change, the U.S. Treasury Department's usurpation of Congressional legislative authority and local law enforcement's increasing role as tax...
10/01/08 – Will Grigg – The Scott Horton Show
William Norman Grigg, author of the blog Pro-Libertate and the book Liberty in Eclipse: The War on Terror and the Rise of the Homeland Security State, discusses the tragic death of the old American understanding of limited constitutional government under the rule of law: the ever increasing power of the presidency, the case of Jose Padilla, the absurdity of Christians approving of torture, the Milgram torture and Zimbardo prison experiments, the militarization and federalization of American...
02/12/08 – Will Grigg – The Scott Horton Show
Will Grigg, proprietor of RightSourceOnline and the blog Pro-Libertate and author of the new book Liberty In Eclipse: The Rise of the Homeland Security State, discusses the honesty of Ron Paul, his message of restrained government, U.S. instigation of newly increasing tensions with the Russians, the drug wars, torture, the dangerous centralization of police power since 9/11 and domestic 'law enforcement'’s increasing brutality and impunity.
08/31/07 – Will Grigg – The Scott Horton Show
William Norman Grigg, publisher of TheRightSource, and author of the blog Pro-Libertate, discusses America's descent into an authoritarian fascist state, our current system's similarity to the way things are in China and Cuba (executions, slave labor, new prisons in waiting, etc.), the Prison-Industrial-Complex, the economics of the corporate warfare/police state, its origins in the Civil and Indian wars, the solution of laissez faire, the militarization of domestic police, the American civic...
05/24/07 – Will Grigg – The Scott Horton Show
RightSourceOnline editor Will Grigg discusses Ron Paul's campaign for president.
04/02/07 – Will Grigg – The Scott Horton Show
William Norman Grigg, founder and editor of The Right Source discusses the murder of former Marine Sgt. Derek J. Hale by local Delaware cops, how they and their buddies in the Virginia State Police covered it up, the difference between living in a militarized fascist state and a limited constitutional republic and hopes for a new political realignment centered around opposition to empire and leviathan.