Mark Thornton returns to the show to discuss his latest articles for the Mises Institute "The Real Cause of America's Opioid Epidemic" and "Big Pharma Makes Drugs that Please Regulators, Not Customers." Thornton makes the case for why legalizing heroin—and all drugs—would be a major step towards solving the opioid crisis. Instead, because of FDA regulations, doctors and pharmaceutical companies are not held liable for the awful consequences of their use. According to Thornton, and counter to...
The Scott Horton Show 9/12/12
Today on The Scott Horton Show – Listen Live -Acclaimed journalist Eric Margolis will be on to talk about the two big stories of the last 24 hours: the revelation that FDR administration helped cover up Soviet war crimes during WWII; and the murder of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya. Libertarian author Anthony Gregory will be on to talk about the drug war, both from the left perspective and the right perspective.
The Scott Horton Show airs 12-3 PM EST.
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June 6 – Today on Antiwar Radio
Listen Live from 9:00 AM PT – 12:00 PM PT
Hillary Mann Leverett, John Lindsay-Poland, Eric Margolis