08/18/10 – Sheldon Richman – The Scott Horton Show

Sheldon Richman, senior fellow at The Future of Freedom Foundation, discusses Glenn Beck’s hypocrisy (exposed on The Daily Show — starts at 4:00 mark) on the connection between U.S. foreign policy and 9/11, the inability of some Americans to understand that Muslims are not a monolithic group (nor are adherents of other religions) and why the GOP is likely to exploit the 'Ground Zero Mosque' issue right through the November elections.

07/12/10 – Sheldon Richman – The Scott Horton Show

Sheldon Richman, senior fellow at The Future of Freedom Foundation, discusses the unsustainable expense of US empire, the 'political transaction costs' that shield government from scrutiny and protest, lack of emphasis on foreign policy at the Freedom Fest 2010 conference and why defense spending is the trillion pound gorilla in the (budget deficit) room.

02/12/10 – Sheldon Richman – The Scott Horton Show

Sheldon Richman, senior fellow at The Future of Freedom Foundation, discusses the case for decentralized non-state national defense, the ideological line — created by an informed and assertive citizenry — that the government dares not cross, the deterrence of government abuse of power through nonviolent action and how society tends toward informal customs — not rampant lawlessness — in the absence of government.

01/19/10 – Sheldon Richman – The Scott Horton Show

Sheldon Richman discusses Lysander Spooner's argument - contra other abolitionists of his day - that the Constitution forbids slavery, Spooner's dismissal of euphemistic language in the Constitution in favor of a pro-liberty reading, the current logical trap that prevents dissent from governmental authority, the myth of "consent of the governed," and why libertarians are against Capitalism (the term, anyway).

10/03/08 – Sheldon Richman – The Scott Horton Show

Sheldon Richman, senior fellow at the Future of Freedom Foundation and editor of The Freeman, discusses the expansion of NATO and arming of Russia's neighbors, U.S. meddling in foreign elections, the likely U.S. invasion of Sudan, the myth of Herbert Hoover and the financial bailout crisis.

03/24/08 – Sheldon Richman – The Scott Horton Show

Sheldon Richman, fellow at the Future of Freedom Foundation and the Foundation for Economic Education and editor of the Freeman, discusses the misperception that American civilians owe deference to the warfare state, the anti-militarist tradition in America, the case for privatizing all security functions and abolishing the state, his take on Barack Obama's minister, the illogic of collectivism, the principle of blowback and the dangerous alliance between the U.S. government and big business.

08/02/07 – Sheldon Richman – The Scott Horton Show

Sheldon Richman, editor of The Freeman, discusses the history of American imperialism and the growth of domestic government since America lost the Spanish-American war, the roots of Anti-American terrorism (Bush I and Bill Clinton), laissez faire economics, libertarianism and social Darwinism.