09/04/12 – John Glaser – The Scott Horton Show

Antiwar.com editor John Glaser discusses the details of a reported (and denied) back-channel offer from the White House to Iran; why the US is still largely responsible for Israel's military endeavors, even if the US doesn't fire a shot; how Benjamin Netanyahu has bluffed his way to irrelevance; Zbig Brzezinski's take on rational actors and messianic zealots among Middle East heads of state; and a comparison of world-dominating US foreign policy strategies.

09/04/12 – Kelley Vlahos – The Scott Horton Show

Kelley Vlahos, contributing editor at The American Conservative, discusses the rise and fall of the COINdinistas (Lt. Col John Nagl especially); how "surge" strategies are designed for domestic political concerns, not military successes; the brutal civilian-slaughtering nature of real counterinsurgency campaigns; the revolving door between think tanks and government; the ongoing debacle in Afghanistan; and the perseverance of military apologists who still can't imagine criticizing anyone in a...

09/03/12 – Stephen Zunes – The Scott Horton Show

Stephen Zunes, Professor of politics and international studies, discusses why the "U.S. Shares Responsibility for Rachel Corrie's Death;" how the Bush administration vetoed UN observers in Gaza - leaving the job to NGOs and volunteers like Corrie; the State Department's lack of concern for US citizens killed by Israeli soldiers; the California State Assembly's resolution equating criticism of Israel to anti-semitism; and how Libyan regime change sparked civil war in Mali and helped Al-Qaeda...

09/03/12 – The Other Scott Horton – The Scott Horton Show

The Other Scott Horton, international human rights lawyer and Harper's journalist, discusses the official end to any chance Bush administration torture crimes will be prosecuted; why there was plenty of good evidence to get convictions, despite AG Eric Holder's contrary claims; effective immunity for CIA-employed torturers/murderers, whose defense lawyers would finger Donald Rumsfeld and others in the Bush White House; Obama's outright contempt for the rule of law; and a nostalgic look back at...

09/03/12 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

IPS News journalist Gareth Porter discusses his article "IAEA Report Shows Iran Reduced Its Breakout Capacity;" the typical misleading news headlines on Iran's uranium enrichment program; how sanctions - designed to kill and injure civilians - are both immoral and ineffective at producing regime change; and the Obama administration's stubborn refusal to change its outdated negotiating position on Iran.

08/29/12 – Craig Corrie – The Scott Horton Show

Craig Corrie, father of murdered activist Rachel Corrie, discusses the Israeli court's rejection of his family's lawsuit because Gaza was a "war zone" where anything goes; Israel's responsibility to protect civilians in occupied territory; the British civilians killed around the same time by the same shoot-to-kill IDF policy; and why Rachel put herself between an armored bulldozer and a Palestinian house in Gaza.

08/28/12 – Scott Horton – The Scott Horton Show

This is my speech at the P.A.U.L. Festival in Tampa, FL, on August 26th. Imagine a real two-party presidential election between the "centrist" extremists Obama and Romney, vs. the anti-war, pro-civil liberties duo of Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich.

08/28/12 – Mark Sheffield – The Scott Horton Show

Mark Sheffield of Policy on Point discusses the phased build-up of the US missile defense system in Europe; why the system is obviously aimed at Russia, not non-existent Iranian nukes; how Raytheon's corporate welfare endangers everyone on earth; and Mitt Romney's gaffe about Russia being "our number one geopolitical foe."

08/24/12 – David Enders – The Scott Horton Show

David Enders of McClatchy Newspapers discusses the extreme dangers journalists face in Syria; how Syria's rebels are acting like guerrilla fighters, waging a war of attrition that may last for years; weapons sent by Iraqi Sunnis to aid the Syrian rebels; Turkey's steadfast and mystifying support for the rebellion; prospects for Kurdish autonomy outside Iraq; and Syria's serious-and-growing refugee problem.

08/24/12 – Eric Margolis – The Scott Horton Show

American Raj author Eric Margolis discusses what Ethiopian Prime Minister/Dictator Meles Zenawi's death means for the country's future; the US's "mission creep" of fighting terrorism in Africa; why third world revolutionaries would benefit from studying Western public relations strategies; and how US intervention in Syria risks serious conflict with Russia, and should be avoided.

08/22/12 – Giorgio Cafiero – The Scott Horton Show

Giorgio Cafiero of Foreign Policy in Focus discusses how Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan's support for Syria's rebellion has alienated Turkey's own religious minorities; how Syrian President Assad uses the Kurds to retaliate and stir up trouble for Turkey; US interest in realpolitik, not humanitarian relief, in Syria; how a Sunni-dominated government in Syria would tilt regional power toward Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood, marginalizing Iran; why Syria's rebels should have used nonviolent...

08/22/12 – Pepe Escobar – The Scott Horton Show

Asia Times journalist Pepe Escobar discusses why war and foreign policy aren't issues in this year's presidential election; how Syria has become a battleground in Middle East power politics; the Arab Spring hijacking; US fears about high-level Egypt/Iran talks and improving relations; indications President Obama has ruled out direct US intervention in Syria; how a Greater Kurdistan would balkanize four countries and aid the US/Israel divide and conquer strategy for the region; and the Turkish...

08/21/12 – Gigi Bowman – The Scott Horton Show

Gigi Bowman discusses the Paul Festival on August 24-26 in Tampa, FL; bringing together the liberty movement to celebrate and honor Ron Paul and look ahead to the future; ticket promotions and the guest speaker lineup (which includes Scott Horton); and how the Liberty Candidates organization vets and promotes aspiring public officials who uphold Ron Paul's ideals.

08/20/12 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

IPS News journalist Gareth Porter discusses the US government's coverup of civilians killed by drone strikes in Pakistan; the drone war's false billing as a precise and effective tactic against terrorism; why the Obama administration won't admit the Afghan war has spread to Pakistan; the Bush administration's comparative restraint in Afghanistan; and David Petraeus's tenure at the CIA.