Dear Residents of New Hampshire,

Beginning in just a couple of hours you will have the opportunity to do us all a big favor by turning out for Rep. Ron Paul M.D. in the Republican primary. A strong turnout in your state Tuesday could make a huge difference in this movement for peace and liberty in this country. Paul is, by far, the most qualified candidate for President. He's a doctor, not a lawyer. He believes that "The only legitimate purpose of political action is to secure liberty." He says that fulfilling his oath to the...

Rep. Ron Paul Slams Sen. John McCain’s Warmongering Recklessness

Ron Paul: McCain’s Reckless "100 years in Iraq" Comment Endangers Americans January 7, 2008 2:32 pm EST ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA — In response to John McCain’s comment at a recent town hall event that he would be fine with keeping American troops in Iraq for 100 — or even 1 million years — Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul issued the following statement: ‘John McCain’s statement in favor of keeping troops in Iraq for 100 years or longer puts him out of sync with the majority of Americans,...

Boycott Fox!

Joe Briggs' station in New Hampshire is giving the floor to Dr. Paul: January 6, 2008 Tonight on local New Hampshire television and simulcast on our website at, Ron Paul will take questions from an audience of undecided voters in the Granite State. With the New Hampshire primary just two days away, Dr. Paul will bring his message of liberty and constitutional government directly to the people-real questions, real answers, as fair and...

Ron Paul on Bill Moyers’ Journal

Video here. It's because of the character and individualist ideas revealed in interviews like this that Dr. Paul, a man with wide, but very shallow name recognition up until very recently, is polling in 3rd place, 14%, in New Hampshire. Go Ron!