Ron Paul: The Only Presidential Candidate to Challenge the American Empire

By David T. Beito and Scott Horton Rather than ‘isolationist’ in foreign policy, however, Paul embraces as his own Thomas Jefferson’s stated goal of ‘peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.’ But, unlike our third president, Paul appears bound and determined to apply these words across-the-board. His voting record shows a consistent support for free trade and legislation to redirect the military strictly to home defense rather than foreign...

Dr. Ron Paul

"Likely the most principled and reluctant presidential candidate since George Washington." Thanks to Casey Khan.

Leninists Against Paul!

Heh. As if I needed more convincing to support him. Thanks, Reds. Update: The neocons hate Ron Paul too. How dare he not support Scooter's pardon?! So, let's see here: The Reds hate him and the ex-Reds hate him too. I guess that makes Ron a centrist. Update 2: Radley Balko on Mona Charen's smear.

Ron Paul: The Pragmatic Choice

I wrote an article here at Quick Summary: A vote for Hillary or Obama is a vote for more warfare and runaway defense spending. A vote for Paul is a vote to end America's imperial ambitions and most of the lavish military spending that goes with it.

David Hill is a Fool

He thinks he's got shit to say about my man Ron Paul, but even the guys at the National Review ain't having it. Thanks to Tex. Update: John Derbyshire sticks up for Dr. Paul again too. Thanks NRO guys. As the Great Leader says, "We're making progress."

We’re no Ron Paul

But we do try real hard to spread the message of peace and liberty. It's fundraising time at Why not chip in a little? Update: Actually, we are Ron Paul also.

The Media’s Plan to Ambush Ron Paul

By Mike Whitney 11/07/07 ‘The American Republic is in remnant status. The stage is set for our country to devolve into a military dictatorship, and few seem to care.’ ... Rep. Ron Paul "ICH" --- - First we stop the killing, and then we restore the Constitution. These are our two main priorities. And that’s why I’m voting for Ron Paul. He is the only candidate (with a chance to win) who’s promising to do either. And he’ll keep his word. That makes him the only truly American candidate running...

Ron Paul on CNN Wednesday Morning

Also: It worked. They are now reporting on his regular campaign events. USA Today is reporting on the reporting. The AP on Ron's race in New Hampshire. The New York Times has seen fit to print a story about one of Ron Paul's many straw-poll victories, this one in New York (on their blog). TPM reminds us that Rudy's newest and bestest backer, Pat Robertson, claimed that America "deserved" the 9/11 attacks, the position that the lisping little demagogue attempted to smear Dr. Paul with back in...