Robert Wenzel discusses the LIBOR scandal and how central banks can wreck free markets much more efficiently than Wall Street can.
04/26/12 – Robert Wenzel – The Scott Horton Show
Robert Wenzel discusses his speech delivered at the New York Federal Reserve Bank; why an independent audit of gold deposited at Fort Knox is long overdue; the many Fed economists who don't have a basic understanding of opposing schools of thought; why students of Austrian economics saw the housing bubble forming early on; how ideological tunnel-vision and ambitions for career advancement create institutional blindness at the Fed; and why all the bailed-out financial institutions are...
11/08/11 – Robert Wenzel – The Scott Horton Show
Robert Wenzel discusses the profligate spending, excessive debt, and resentful bailouts plaguing the European Union; why the European Central Bank will soon begin printing money as furiously as the Fed (since the other option is defaulting on bank-owned debt, which can't be allowed); why gold will quickly revert to the default currency when worldwide inflation runs amok; the inordinate number of wealthy individuals in tax-feeding Washington DC; how the Social Security deficit drastically...