05/20/08 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA analyst and antiwar activist Ray McGovern discusses his open letter to Adm. Fallon and the probability of a U.S. attack on Iran, the history of Robert Gates and his weak influence on Bush, the corporate media’s corrupt relationship with the state, the Pentagon’s bogus Iranian arms expose and the near total indifference of the press, Adm. Fallon’s firing for speaking out against attacking Iran, the Air Force’s role, the insanity of John McCain, the unconstitutionality and illegality...

05/25/07 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

For the third time this week, a retired CIA officer has told Antiwar Radio that U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East is the driving force in al Qaeda’s recruitment and motivation for attacking America on September 11th. Ray McGovern, a 27 year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency, when asked Friday afternoon what he thought of the exchange between Congressman Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani said (at 23:45 out of 43:23) MP3 here. 'I’m really edified by Ron Paul stepping up and stating what...

05/09/06 – Ray McGovern – The Scott Horton Show

Scott talks with former CIA analyst and founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, Ray McGovern, about his confrontation last Thursday with "Defense" Secretary Donald Rumsfeld about his lying us into war with Iraq, Lt. Gen. Hayden's appointment to run the CIA, the fight between the CIA and Pentagon over covert operations, the likelihood of war with Iran and why government employees ought to rat on their bosses.