9/21/17 Joe Lauria on the 2016 U.S. election and the upcoming Iraqi Kurdish referendum

Joe Lauria returns to the show to discuss his book on Hillary Clinton, “How I Lost By Hillary Clinton,” Trump’s America, and the hysteria over Russia’s supposed actions in the 2016 elections. Then Lauria pivots to the Kurdish referendum in Iraq and gives an overview of the history of the Kurshish movement for independence and details the Kurdish allies and the longer list of opposition. Lastly Lauria reviews the state of ISIS in Iraq and gives an update on Mosul. Joe Lauria is a contributing...

9/6/17 Patrick Cockburn on al-Qaeda’s resurgence in Syria

Author and journalist Patrick Cockburn returns to the show to discuss his reporting on the heavy casualties in Mosul and why they've been underreported in the media. Cockburn explains how ISIS's guerrilla war tactics increase civilian casualties, why the Syrian Kurds fighting against ISIS in Raqqa have considerable incentive to extend the fight against ISIS, and discusses his latest article for the Independent on al Qaeda's power grab in Syria, "While defeat of Isis dominates global attention,...