Or maybe it's the "Libertarian" Party. Whatever. Eric Garris insisted, for reasons explained here. Angela's statement is here.
LP Nominates Barr
As Wayne Allen Root threw his support to Barr on the 6th ballot, he explained that he had not left the Republicans at all, only that "the Republican Party left me." Barr seconded, "Boy, me too." No word yet whether conservatism has left either of them. Drink up.
Restore ’04 Gaining Support – But We Can’t Let Up
Restore '04 Gaining Support - But We Can't Let Up The effort to restore the planks that were stricken from the Libertarian Party's national platform in 2006 is off to a good start, but the battle is far from over. In fact, it's just beginning! More than 100 Libertarians signed up on the Restore '04 website in the final week of 2007, and the total is now more than 150. But the people who want a vague platform that takes few if any stands on specific issues are also on the move, and dominate the...
Restoration Caucus Seeks Return to 2004 LP Platform
Writes Angela Keaton: Angela Keaton sent a message to the members of Libertarian Party Rothbard Caucus. -------------------- Subject: Restore 04 is Live (Lifted directly from Mr. Nolan's email) Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 13:00:54 -0700 Subject: Re: When may we tell others about your site? From: dfnATalum.mit.edu A group of Libertarian Party members who believe that the Party’s 2004 Platform better represents the libertarian vision than does the truncated version adopted in 2006 have formed the...