Lew Rockwell, founder and Chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, discusses Ron Paul's ability to explain and popularize libertarian ideas, the large number of Americans seething about the economy, how William F. Buckley, Jr. spearheaded the purging of antiwar rightists from the Conservative movement (and how Ron Paul is putting them back in) and how the hidden inflation tax allows the government to fund wars and avoid popular outrage.
Defending Libertarianism
Lew Rockwell, president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, defends libertarianism from the Devil’s advocate.
05/07/09 – Lew Rockwell – The Scott Horton Show
Lew Rockwell, president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, defends libertarianism from the Devil's advocate.
Antiwar Radio: Lew Rockwell
My interview of Mises Institute president Lew Rockwell from the morning of the 5th of February: MP3 here.
11/03/08 – Lew Rockwell – The Scott Horton Show
Lew Rockwell, president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and proprietor of LewRockwell.com, discusses how voting propagates the myth of a representative participatory democracy, the virtue of not voting, the continuation of election fraud from ballot stuffing to computerized tampering, voting as sacrament to the state religion, why imposing higher thresholds of voting eligibility would be an improvement and how Ron Paul's prescience about the economy and his widely heard public criticism of...
09/25/08 – Lew Rockwell – The Scott Horton Show
As part of Antiwar Radio's week long series on the economic crisis in association with Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty, Lew Rockwell, president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, discusses Thomas Jefferson's theory of inflationary money and the business cycle, the history of fiat money in America and around the world from Marco Polo's adventures through Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Revolutionary War, 1812-14, Andrew Jackson's battle with Biddle, Lincoln's greenbacks, the Gilded Age,...
08/26/08 – Lew Rockwell – The Scott Horton Show
Lew Rockwell, founder and President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, discusses his new podcast interview program, Joe Biden’s long term and central role in promoting the warfare state, demagoguery and omission at the Democratic convention, the reality of America’s empire and the elective emperor who rules it, the important new book We Who Dared to Say No to War: American Antiwar Writing from 1812 to Now, why murder is still murder even if a government employee does it, the big lie of...
06/12/08 – Lew Rockwell – The Scott Horton Show
Lew Rockwell discusses his recent talk at the Future of Freedom Foundation conference about modern wars' dependence on inflation by the Federal Reserve, how the Fed fueled WWI to help the Morgan empire, why governments prefer to debase a currency rather than tax or borrow, how the Fed not only inflates the currency but redistributes wealth from the poor to the politically-connected rich, creates the booms and busts of the business cycle, and makes the warfare state possible, the government's...
02/27/08 – Lew Rockwell – The Scott Horton Show
Lew Rockwell, president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and proprietor of LewRockwell.com, discusses the life and death of William F. Buckley, his early CIA ties, exile of the antiwar Right from the conservative movement, the centrality of militarism and imperialism to modern conservative thinking, the real political spectrum, paleo-libertarianism, the American complex of fear and vaunting, the reality of red state fascism, the coming National Service Corps, whether or not war is good for...
Antiwar Radio: Lew Rockwell
"Bernanke should go around in a Devil suit." Lew Rockwell, discusses the Ron Paul Revolution and Revolutionaries, the myth of the government exception from the moral law, the connection between central banking and war, the growing awareness among the American people of the connection between central banking and war, the terrible consequences of inflation, what Ron Paul would probably do about it, the savings to be had in ending the empire, the War Party players and red state fascists who...
11/07/07 – Lew Rockwell – The Scott Horton Show
Lew Rockwell, discusses the Ron Paul Revolution and Revolutionaries, the myth of the government exception from the moral law, the connection between central banking and war, the growing awareness among the American people of the connection between central banking and war, the terrible consequences of inflation, what Ron Paul would probably do about it, the savings to be had in ending the empire, the War Party players and red state fascists who support Rudy Giuliani instead and Ron Paul's...
08/20/07 – Lew Rockwell – The Scott Horton Show
Lew Rockwell, founder and president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, discusses the corruption of the modern conservative movement, the detrimental effects the Federal Reserve System has on the economy, and how it perpetuates the warfare/welfare state. (Due to non-profit rules a shortened version without the Ron Paul discussion ran on Antiwar.com. This is the whole interview. Just the Ron Paul part of the conversation here.)
09/17/05 – Lew Rockwell – The Scott Horton Show
Scott and Lew Rockwell discuss Austrian economics and the evils of the welfare and warfare states. Audio Stream MP3 Link