Gordon Prather, former nuclear weapons physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, discusses unsubstantiated claims Iran is secretly building nukes, the IAEA going beyond the scope of their mandate in Iran dealings, Bill Clinton's broken promises regarding N. Korea's nuclear program, accusations that Iran is pioneering new nuclear weapons designs, overstated dangers of EMP attacks and the indignant U.S. attitude toward Iran designed to provoke withdrawal from the NPT and IAEA programs.
05/26/09 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show
Gordon Prather, former nuclear weapons physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, discusses the Russian influenced history of N. Korea's nuclear program, broken U.S. promises in the 1994 Agreed Framework, the Bush administration shutdown of diplomatic relations with N. Korea and the current NPT/IAEA-free environment that facilitated a N. Korean nuclear weapon test.
04/13/09 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show
Gordon Prather, former nuclear weapons physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, discusses the broken deals that prompted Iran to establish an independent nuclear program, the near-impossibility of Iran making secret nuclear weapons under IAEA supervision, Carter-era restrictions on nuclear power generation and the Bush administration's attack on the international non-proliferation regime.
08/15/08 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show
Dr. Gordon Prather discusses the different uses for varying yield nuclear weapons for missile defense, the tactical and strategic handicaps of our missile defense systems, what it takes to build a nuclear weapon and the difference between a nuclear weapons program and what the Iranians are doing. MP3 Here.
06/26/08 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show
Dr. Gordon Prather, Antiwar.com’s in-house nuclear physicist, discusses the chaos of the Bush regime’s policies against the 'Axis of Evil' and global non-proliferation regime, from trying to frame North Korea with the same bogus intel as they used on Iraq to trying to connect Iran and North Korea with the Israeli-bombed facility in Syria, the U.S.’s nuclear deals with India, how A.Q. Kahn’s stolen intel scheme was falsely claimed by George Tenet to be a CIA success story, the vague credentials...
05/30/08 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show
Dr. Gordon Prather, nuclear physicist and regular contributor to Antiwar.com, discusses the Bush administration’s hegemonic aspirations and the obstacle posed by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation regime, he details the NPT and IAEA procedures and mechanics, the recent confirmation from former White House spokesman Scott McClellan of the White House Iraq Group and their propaganda blitz to convict Iraq during the lead-up to the invasion, the pentagon’s ex-general cheerleading squad hired to promote...
12/05/07 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show
Antiwar.com's Dr. Gordon Prather explains his suspicions that the CIA doesn't have any credible evidence that Iran ever had a nuclear weapons program to halt in 2003 and that the timing of the NIE may have been meant to undercut ElBaradei's anticipated report to that effect later this month.
11/13/07 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show
Gordon Prather continues the discussion on Iran’s nuclear program, the recent attack on IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei by John 'Bonkers Bolton,' speculation that the neocons outed Plame in order to destroy the CIA’s monitoring of Iranian nuclear black market operations, Cheney’s suppression of the Iran National Intelligence Estimate for over a year, the fact that Iran was not obligated to tell the IAEA about the things they were keeping secret, how Bolton and the neocons unraveled the Agreed...
06/18/07 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show
Nuclear physicist and Antiwar.com columnist Gordon Prather explains the efforts of Senators Nunn, Lugar and Domenici to collect the excess fissile material left over from the dismantling of the former USSR's European based tactical nuclear weapons at the end of the Cold War and how Presidents Clinton and Bush II have thwarted these efforts. Also Pakistan's nuclear weapons and Iran's total lack of them.
02/14/07 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show
Nuclear Physicist Dr. Gordon Prather explains America's relations with North Korea over the past 13 years, how Clinton made a deal with them, how Bush broke it and has now capitulated. Also, what a lousy "reporter" David Sanger is.
09/17/05 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show
Dr. Gordon Prather explains the facts regarding Iran's nuclear program. Audio Stream MP3 Link
07/23/05 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show
Gordon Prather explains the ins and outs of the international non-proliferation regime, and how Bush is destroying it. Audio Stream MP3 Link
05/07/05 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show
Gordon Prather returns to explain how the Bush administration is attemping to discredit the NPT to make it easier to pick a fight with Iran. Audio Stream MP3 Link
04/09/05 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show
Nuclear Physicist Gordon Prather returns to explain the Bush administration's attempts to destroy the Non-Proliferation treaty as part of the U.S. plan to attack Iran. Audio Stream MP3 Link
02/05/05 – Gordon Prather – The Scott Horton Show
Scott talks with Gordon Prather about Bush's assertion that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. Audio Stream MP3 Link