03/09/10 – David R. Henderson – The Scott Horton Show

This interview is jointly conducted by Scott Horton and Antiwar Radio producer Angela Keaton. David R. Henderson, author of The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, discusses the 'Across the Political Spectrum Against War and Militarism' conference in Washington, D.C., Milton Friedman’s prominent opposition to the draft in the late 60s, the need to minimize divisive fringe issues during antiwar protests and why conservatives squirm when they hear the words 'peace' and 'imperialism.'

11/24/08 – David Henderson – The Scott Horton Show

David R. Henderson, research fellow with the Hoover Institution and author of 'The Wartime Economist' for Antiwar.com, discusses his article 'The Libertarian Case against the War in Afghanistan,' the efficacy of using ethical reasoning in foreign policy arguments, the inconsistent U.S. extradition policies regarding Luis Posada Carriles and Osama bin Laden, the exaggerations of systemic risk used to justify bailouts, the limited short-term risk of inflation and why a fractional reserve banking...

02/08/08 – David R. Henderson – The Scott Horton Show

David R. Henderson, Antiwar.com columnist and associate professor of economics in the Graduate School of Business and Public Policy at the Naval Postgraduate School, discusses practical free market economic reasons for Americans to oppose empire and foreign interventionism.