David Enders of McClatchy Newspapers discusses the extreme dangers journalists face in Syria; how Syria's rebels are acting like guerrilla fighters, waging a war of attrition that may last for years; weapons sent by Iraqi Sunnis to aid the Syrian rebels; Turkey's steadfast and mystifying support for the rebellion; prospects for Kurdish autonomy outside Iraq; and Syria's serious-and-growing refugee problem.
10/13/11 – David Enders – The Scott Horton Show
David Enders, freelance journalist and author of Baghdad Bulletin, discusses his article “A reporter in Libya wonders about lessons of war;” the racism against black Africans in Libya, which has led to large scale killing and rape by the rebels (turning Susan Rice’s warning on its head); waiting to see if Gaddafi loyalists are massacred once the rebels (courtesy NATO) finally take Sirte; and how Enders could have loaded his car with anti-tank missiles, thanks to huge caches of unsecured...
10/11/11 – David Enders – The Scott Horton Show
David Enders, freelance journalist and author of Baghdad Bulletin, discusses why US combat troops will finally withdraw from Iraq this year (even if “advisors” and CIA/counterintelligence assets are staying long-term); Iraq’s broken infrastructure and authoritarian government – the legacy of eight years of occupation; why Iran and Iraq are natural allies with much in common; and how Iraq’s foreign policy is influenced by the large number of refugees still living in Syria.
08/06/05 – David Enders – The Scott Horton Show
David Enders describes the situation, live from Iraq. Audio Stream MP3 Link