12/14/07 – Anthony Gregory – The Scott Horton Show

Anthony Gregory, research analyst at the Independent Institute, policy adviser at the Future of Freedom Foundation and writer for LewRockwell.com, discusses the Ron Paul Revolution, the competition, the long history of Paul's being right about foreign policy and the corruption of our current one.

04/05/07 – Anthony Gregory – The Scott Horton Show

Anthony Gregory, research analyst the Independent Institute and writer for the Future of Freedom Foundation, LewRockwell.com, Liberty magazine, Strike-the-Root, etc., reviews Depression, War and Cold War by Robert Higgs: the myth of war prosperity, how the government caused the Great Depression, how the New Deal made it worse, how World War II did not "save" America from the Depression anymore than the New Deal did, how this fallacy persists to this day, justifying to many Americans our...