Listen Live from 9:00 AM PT – 12:00 AM PT or
Guests: Pepe Escobar, Rep. Aaron Libby, Ali Gharib
04/13/11 – Ari Gharib – The Scott Horton Show
Ali Gharib, New York-based journalist on U.S. foreign policy and LobeLog writer, discusses the neocon effort to keep war with Iran on the front burner, while the news cycle overwhelms their tired talking points; the old propaganda line that Iranians want us to bomb them, to give them a chance for regime change; the WikiLeaks documents that show Israel’s threats to bomb Iran’s nuclear sites (if the US doesn’t) are just hot air; and how observing the fates of N. Korea and Libya could lead Iran...
01/07/11 – Ali Gharib – The Scott Horton Show
Ali Gharib, New York-based journalist on U.S. foreign policy and LobeLog writer, discusses how American neoconservatives remain the hardest working warmongers around despite Israeli claims of success — via Stuxnet sabotage and assassination of nuclear scientists — in delaying Iran's (alleged) pursuit of nuclear weapons; Jennifer Rubin's venue-change from Commentary to The Washington Post, which <sarcasm alert> finally gets a pro-Israel perspective in mainstream media; and the WikiLeaks...
11/12/10 – Ali Gharib – The Scott Horton Show
Ali Gharib, New York-based journalist on U.S. foreign policy and LobeLog writer, discusses his article that challenges the conventional wisdom about Iranian interference in Iraq (supposedly verified by the WikiLeaks revelations), the New York Times' (and former Judith Miller collaborator) Michael Gordon's career transition from ginning up war with Iraq to writing inflammatory articles on Iran, the rapidly changing negotiations on seating a coalition government in Iraq and how the NYT gives...
09/24/10 – Ali Gharib – The Scott Horton Show
Ali Gharib, New York-based journalist on U.S. foreign policy and LobeLog writer, discusses the FBI raids on antiwar activists’ homes, how Israel put Iran in 'Axis of Evil' after 9/11, the Global War on Terror’s conflation of national resistance groups (and any enemy of Israel) with international terrorist groups like al-Qaeda, neoconservative warmongers re-using the Iraq War playbook to gin up support for an attack on Iran, the tangled neocon web of familial relationships and the new cottage...
08/05/10 – Ali Gharib – The Scott Horton Show
This recording is excerpted from the KPFK Gustavo Areano program of August 5th. The complete recording can be heard here. Ali Gharib, a New York-based journalist on U.S. foreign policy, discusses the hawkish turn taken by the middle-of-the-road think tank Council on Foreign Relations, the synchronized talking points of Iran war boosters that — like Iraq before — force antiwar opponents to prove a negative (or why the reality-based community is forever playing catch-up to history's actors),...