Okay, guys, it’s summer fund drive time at the Scott Horton Show.
Bills are piling up and equipment is wearing out.
So here’s the deal:
Anyone who donates $50 or more gets a chance to win a week’s vacation for two to Costa Rica (see details at scotthorton.org/raffle);
Anyone who donates $100 or more get’s entered into the raffle, plus a one-ounce silver QR code CommodityDisk from CommodityDisks.com.
The first 25 people to donate $100 or more will also get a copy of Your Money or Your Life: Why We Must Abolish the Income Tax by Sheldon Richman or the audiobook of Lew Rockwell’s Fascism vs. Capitalism, narrated by me, or for free.
Stop by scotthorton.org/donate and scotthorton.org/raffle for details.
You can also sign up for monthly donations, on a per interview basis at Patreon, support with bitcoin and shop through scotthorton.org/amazon.
Thanks yall for supporting the show!