Just got back from a Ron Paul fundraiser

by | May 19, 2007 | Stress Blog | 7 comments

It was at the Texas History Museum, Jimmy Vaughn played and there was a pretty good turnout, though better advertising may have brought even more. I figure it was at least a couple thousand at $100 bucks or more a head. It ain’t Lockheed money, but I think that he’ll run a really good campaign.

In the short stump speech he gave, he said he has been absolutely amazed by the amount of support and that it is growing. He said he’s stay in as long as that was true.

I wish I was an expert in electoral politics or organizing or anything like that. Someone has got to seriously work on turning pro-Paul sentiment into dollars into his campaign chest and public displays of support. It has already been too easy for the media to smear his supporters as a small number of spammers.

I was very glad to have a chance to meet Dr. Paul in person again. What a nice man.

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