Iraqi “Prime Minister” Maliki Says Zarqawi Killed

by | Jun 8, 2006 | Stress Blog | 7 comments


“Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Gen. George Casey, the highest-ranking U.S. commander in Iraq, and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad announced the development at a news conference.

“‘Today, Zarqawi has been killed,’ al-Maliki said. The announcement was greeted by cheers and applause.

“Khalilzad — who called al-Zarqawi ‘the godfather of sectarian killing and terror in Iraq’ — said the death ‘marks a great success for Iraq and the global war on terror’ and calls it a ‘good omen’ for the new Iraqi government.”

All three are liars and murderers, so we’ll see…

Loretta Napoleoni: The Myth of Zarqawi

Her great book.

Everyone else

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