by | Nov 9, 2008 | Stress Blog | 18 comments

Yay. Since 2003, I have done more than 700 interviews in the interest of opposing the state and its wars. 705 to be exact, though two have been lost to computer glitches: an interview of Ivan Eland back in 2003 and one of Glenn Greenwald earlier this year.

Thanks to Shauna, Chad, Eric and Justin, Dan, John, Brendan, Brandon, Angela, August, Chris, Mark, Adam, Brent, everyone at KAOS Radio, Antiwar.com, my incredible guests and listeners for everything.

All interviews are available for free download at ScottHortonShow.com. All foreign policy related interviews since December, 2006 at Antiwar.com/Radio.

(Cross-posted at the Antiwar blog.)

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