11/23/11 – Rep. Ron Paul – The Scott Horton Show

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) discusses how American politicians have moved inexorably away from the republic and toward empire (witness the most recent Republican debate); how the Republican base – especially the youngest and oldest members – are developing a healthy skepticism of US foreign policy; and debunking the argument that the US can never “cut and run” because disaster will ensue.

11/23/11 – Karen Kwiatkowski – The Scott Horton Show

Karen Kwiatkowski, columnist at lewrockwell.com and retired USAF Lieutenant Colonel, discusses her run for Congress in Virginia’s 6th District; watching the discredited hacks Paul Wolfowitz and David Addington ask questions in the latest Republican presidential debate; how veteran soldiers are educating their families about the futility of war in Afghanistan; the neoconservative think tanks working against Ron Paul's peace and liberty agenda; and how foreign aid to Israel prevents peace...

11/22/11 – Will Grigg – The Scott Horton Show

Will Grigg, blogger and author of Liberty in Eclipse, discusses his article “Support Your Local Police State;” the history and evolution of policing in the Western world; how grand juries have changed from being tools for citizens investigating government crimes, into the playthings of prosecutors; why mall cops deserve more respect than their government employed counterparts; the difference between a law enforcement officer and a peace officer; and how Occupy Wall Street protesters are...

11/22/11 Seymour Hersh: Iran and the IAEA

Seymour Hersh, award winning investigative reporter for The New Yorker magazine, discusses his article “Iran and the I.A.E.A.;” how extensive CIA/JSOC espionage (and perhaps assassination and sabotage) in Iran failed to find any evidence of a clandestine nuclear weapons program; why Iran’s interest in nukes prior to 2003 was to hedge against an Iraqi weapon; the new IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano, who has no problem regurgitating old innuendo to make a case for war; and why the bluster...

11/21/11 – Adam Morrow – The Scott Horton Show

IPS News journalist Adam Morrow discusses the return of million-man protests in Tahrir Square on the eve of the first parliamentary election since Mubarak’s ouster; street skirmishes and dozens of casualties after the Egyptian military overreacted to demonstrations; fears that so-called “super constitutional principles” will keep Egypt a military dictatorship, no matter the outcome of elections; and how plans to open the Rafah border crossing with Gaza have been put on the back burner.

11/21/11 – Pepe Escobar – The Scott Horton Show

Globetrotting journalist Pepe Escobar discusses his article “China and the US: The roadmaps;” how the ever-expanding “arc of instability” could get the US into a trade war (or hot war) with China; how South American economies are gathering steam while Goldman Sachs takes over a chaotic and bankrupt Europe; possible covert US support for Muslim Chinese Uighurs; and how the US empire is being crushed by the burden of “full spectrum dominance.”

11/21/11 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi discusses the CIA agents “rolled up” in Iran and Lebanon because of sloppy tradecraft (like regularly meeting at a Beirut Pizza Hut); clarifying the CIA terms “officer,” “agent,” and “asset;” the Iranian agents killed from ill-conceived CIA mailing practices during Giraldi’s tenure (though he learned about it in the newspaper); how the purging of US intelligence assets could help the Iran war propaganda campaign; and why a Libyan-style regime change could soon...

11/18/11 – Robert P. Murphy – The Scott Horton Show

Robert P. Murphy, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, discusses his article “The Economics of War;” how open markets and free trade make expansionist states and war unnecessary; a cost/benefit analysis of empire and “war for oil;” and the $15 trillion US debt (a trillion here, a trillion there, and soon you’re talking real money).

11/18/11 – Glenn Greenwald – The Scott Horton Show

Salon.com blogger Glenn Greenwald discusses how Gerald Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon cut the last vestiges of the rule of law in America; the “too big to jail” justice system where powerful people need not fear incarceration; turning the Nuremberg court’s opinion on “aggressive war” on its head, as the US continually attacks countries that don’t pose a threat and government officials never face war crimes tribunals; the world-record US prison population, comprised of drug offenders and...

11/17/11 – John Glaser – The Scott Horton Show

John Glaser, Assistant Editor at Antiwar.com, discusses why the talking heads on MSNBC are perfectly willing to make fools of themselves in an effort to prove the IAEA’s case against Iran; why crimes like cyberterrorism (Stuxnet) don’t count when committed by the US/Israel against Iranian targets; the Reuters report on what Iraqis think about the “democracy” given to them at the end of an American gun barrel; and the contingent of troops headed to Australia to remind China that the “peer...

11/17/11 – Eric Newhouse – The Scott Horton Show

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Eric Newhouse discusses his article “Half of Vets Returning From Iraq and Afghanistan Need Medical Attention;” how advances in emergency medical treatment have greatly decreased battlefield fatalities from catastrophic injuries – though surviving soldiers often have debilitating brain injuries and require lifelong care; how the VA‘s increased budget has improved the quality of care (but not nearly enough); and the wasted lives of mostly poor and patriotic...

11/17/11 – Philip Giraldi – The Scott Horton Show

Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi discusses his article “Will Washington Thump the Syrian Domino;” how the Obama administration’s belligerent foreign policy almost makes you pine for the wisdom and restraint of George W. Bush; the unwinding of poorly-conceived post-colonial countries, including Syria and Iraq; reports that Saudi Prince Bandar is forming an al-Qaeda style posse to fight in Syria, with US consent; and the collusion between current and former US government officials and the MEK...

11/17/11 – Kate Gould – The Scott Horton Show

Kate Gould, Legislative Associate for the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), discusses her article “‘Nuclear Option’ Against Iran’s Economy Paves Way for War;” the harshest sanctions yet making their way through Congress, designed to shut down Iran’s central bank and crush their currency; language that prohibits Obama from making national security exemptions on Iran sanctions; Rep. Brad Sherman’s open admission that sanctions are designed to hurt civilians, in order to effect...

11/16/11 – Muhammad Sahimi – The Scott Horton Show

Muhammad Sahimi, Professor of Chemical Engineering and political columnist on Iran issues, discusses the specific accusations against Iran in the IAEA report; the truth about the “Soviet nuclear scientist,” the “exploding bridge wire” detonators, and old recycled allegations from Olli Heinonen and Israeli intelligence; and how Iran has never been given access to the “stolen laptop” documents – or the computer itself – and can’t properly respond to allegations or conduct a digital forensic...

11/16/11 – Mark and Ian – The Scott Horton Show

Mark and Ian, co-hosts of the talk radio show Free Talk Live on the Liberty Radio Network, discuss the hazards of doing a libertarian antiwar show on commercial radio; losing advertisers and affiliate stations for their insufficiently-deferential Veteran’s Day show; and why real military heroism and bravery is exemplified by Ehren Watada’s refusal to deploy and violate the Constitution, not by soldiers blindly following orders and killing civilians to avoid a dishonorable discharge.