11/30/11 – Adam Morrow – The Scott Horton Show

IPS News journalist Adam Morrow discusses the early parliamentary voting results in Egypt, with the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist parties dominating so far; why the leftist/liberal parties fear a new Egyptian dictatorship will take hold; the unpopular supra-constitutional principles that permanently subordinate civilian government to the military; why Egypt’s revolution seems to have been anticipated and manipulated by the military council; and why you shouldn’t believe anything the US...

11/30/11 – Trevor Timm – The Scott Horton Show

Trevor Timm, Activist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, discusses his article “Cablegate One Year Later: How WikiLeaks Has Influenced Foreign Policy, Journalism, and the First Amendment;” how the WikiLeaks revelation of an Iraqi family’s massacre by US soldiers (and the attempted coverup with an airstrike) hastened the end of the war; why WikiLeaks deserves some credit for the Arab Spring, especially in Tunisia; who is and who isn’t bound by government classified documents; and the grand...

11/29/11 – Jeff Paterson – The Scott Horton Show

Jeff Paterson, Project Director of Courage to Resist, discusses whistleblower Bradley Manning’s December 16th court hearing, his first after a year and a half long pretrial detention; Manning’s lawyer’s complaints about the government’s refusal to disclose evidence; the life-sentence facing Manning for allegedly leaking information embarrassing – but not harmful – to the government and military; how Manning’s treatment at the Quantico Marine brig clearly violated the UCMJ; and how you can...

11/29/11 – Jeb Sprague – The Scott Horton Show

Jeb Sprague, author of Paramilitarism and the Assault on Democracy in Haiti, discusses his article “WikiLeaks Reveal: U.S. and UN Officials Oversaw Integration of Ex-Army Paramilitaries into Haiti’s Police Force;” a brief overview of Haiti’s history, from colonial slave state to current times; Aristide’s democratic election following “Papa Doc” and “Baby Doc” Duvalier dictatorships; and how international aid agencies have destroyed Haiti’s domestic rice production and spread...

11/28/11 – Christopher Anders – The Scott Horton Show

Christopher Anders, senior legislative counsel in the ACLU’s Washington Legislative Office, discusses his article “Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a ‘Battlefield’ They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window;” the secretly-negotiated bill proposing indefinite detention in military custody for US citizens accused of terrorism (or donating to the wrong charities, etc.); how the Non-Detention Act of 1971 (the “never again” response to Japanese-American internment...

11/28/11 – John Glaser – The Scott Horton Show

John Glaser, Assistant Editor at Antiwar.com, discusses the imminent departure of President Saleh in Yemen (and why it hardly matters); the Egyptian model of counterrevolution, where cosmetic changes obscure the authoritarianism and US influence that remains; how international attention on Bahrain has produced recommended reforms that the government will pretend to implement; and the “made in USA” tear gas and weaponry used by Bahrain’s government to brutally put down protests.

11/28/11 – Steve Horn and Allen Ruff – The Scott Horton Show

Steve Horn and Allen Ruff discuss their two-part article at Truth-Out, “How Private Warmongers and the US Military Infiltrated American Universities;” how the allies of empire (from neoconservatives to liberal hawks) united to promote “Grand Strategy Programs” – essentially elaborate fictions used to trick Americans into supporting endless warfare; the group of military officers and academics behind David Petraeus and his PR-focused military doctrine; and how radicals have succeeded in...

11/25/11 – Gareth Porter – The Scott Horton Show

Gareth Porter, independent historian and journalist for IPS News, discusses the lies and innuendo in the IAEA report on Iran; the whole story on Vyacheslav Danilenko, the Russian scientist accused of helping Iran’s (alleged) nuclear weapons program; former IAEA inspector Robert Kelly’s doubts about a “containment chamber” for testing high explosives used in nuclear weapons; why this “intelligence” is most likely passed on to the IAEA by Israel; how the “alleged studies” documents got the...

11/23/11 – Eric Margolis – The Scott Horton Show

Eric Margolis, internationally syndicated columnist and author of War at the Top of the World and American Raj, discusses the mid-1980s declaration of Osama bin Laden’s mentor Abdullah Azzam that the mujahideen would go after US forces in Saudi Arabia after the Soviets were expelled from Afghanistan; taking a closer look at the “they hate us for our freedom” explanation of Islamic extremism; the angry know-nothing Republican presidential candidates (with two exceptions); and how the...

11/23/11 – Rep. Ron Paul – The Scott Horton Show

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) discusses how American politicians have moved inexorably away from the republic and toward empire (witness the most recent Republican debate); how the Republican base – especially the youngest and oldest members – are developing a healthy skepticism of US foreign policy; and debunking the argument that the US can never “cut and run” because disaster will ensue.

11/23/11 – Karen Kwiatkowski – The Scott Horton Show

Karen Kwiatkowski, columnist at lewrockwell.com and retired USAF Lieutenant Colonel, discusses her run for Congress in Virginia’s 6th District; watching the discredited hacks Paul Wolfowitz and David Addington ask questions in the latest Republican presidential debate; how veteran soldiers are educating their families about the futility of war in Afghanistan; the neoconservative think tanks working against Ron Paul's peace and liberty agenda; and how foreign aid to Israel prevents peace...

11/22/11 – Will Grigg – The Scott Horton Show

Will Grigg, blogger and author of Liberty in Eclipse, discusses his article “Support Your Local Police State;” the history and evolution of policing in the Western world; how grand juries have changed from being tools for citizens investigating government crimes, into the playthings of prosecutors; why mall cops deserve more respect than their government employed counterparts; the difference between a law enforcement officer and a peace officer; and how Occupy Wall Street protesters are...

11/22/11 Seymour Hersh: Iran and the IAEA

Seymour Hersh, award winning investigative reporter for The New Yorker magazine, discusses his article “Iran and the I.A.E.A.;” how extensive CIA/JSOC espionage (and perhaps assassination and sabotage) in Iran failed to find any evidence of a clandestine nuclear weapons program; why Iran’s interest in nukes prior to 2003 was to hedge against an Iraqi weapon; the new IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano, who has no problem regurgitating old innuendo to make a case for war; and why the bluster...

11/21/11 – Adam Morrow – The Scott Horton Show

IPS News journalist Adam Morrow discusses the return of million-man protests in Tahrir Square on the eve of the first parliamentary election since Mubarak’s ouster; street skirmishes and dozens of casualties after the Egyptian military overreacted to demonstrations; fears that so-called “super constitutional principles” will keep Egypt a military dictatorship, no matter the outcome of elections; and how plans to open the Rafah border crossing with Gaza have been put on the back burner.

11/21/11 – Pepe Escobar – The Scott Horton Show

Globetrotting journalist Pepe Escobar discusses his article “China and the US: The roadmaps;” how the ever-expanding “arc of instability” could get the US into a trade war (or hot war) with China; how South American economies are gathering steam while Goldman Sachs takes over a chaotic and bankrupt Europe; possible covert US support for Muslim Chinese Uighurs; and how the US empire is being crushed by the burden of “full spectrum dominance.”