Man, if I’d had time to think for a damn minute, the news that the U.S. Imperial Forces are setting up a new “African Command” may have caused me to say something like this:
“Just kill me.”
Man. I feel ya. More Arthur:
“Peace and security.”
“Development, health, education, democracy and economic growth.”
Visions of Paradise ecstatically dance in my head. Oh, just a moment here. Wait a minute…wait…
You just knew this was coming:
Washington is also keen to foster stability on the continent with an eye to Africa’s oil reserves which could provide an alternative to Middle Eastern oil.
I bet you want me to kill you now. No way, my friend. If I have to slog through all this, so do you.
I’ll be here man. ‘Till they bomb Iran anyway, then I think I might want to just get the fuck out of here. I’ll let you know when I find libertarian paradise.