12/29/16 – Eric Margolis on Russian election hacking, Trump vs. CIA, and the UN resolution on Israeli settlements – The Scott Horton Show

Eric Margolis, a journalist and author of American Raj: Liberation or Domination, discusses the Obama administration’s retaliation against alleged Russian interference in the US election; why the CIA is due for a major shakeup; and why the US didn’t veto (as it usually does) a UN resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory.

12/27/16 – Gareth Porter on Obama’s real strategic blunder in Syria – The Scott Horton Show

Gareth Porter, an independent investigative journalist and winner of the 2012 Gellhorn Prize for journalism, discusses President Obama’s decision to help arm the Syrian opposition to appease Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar; then-CIA Director David Petraeus’s role in smuggling guns out of Benghazi to Turkey; and the failure of Obama’s advisors to anticipate direct Iranian and Russian support for the embattled Assad regime.

12/22/16 – Marcy Wheeler on HPSCI’s deeply flawed report on Edward Snowden – The Scott Horton Show

“Emptywheel” Blogger Marcy Wheeler discusses why the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) report on Edward Snowden is so “inexcusably shitty;” whether Snowden is actually working for Russia during his exile there; and how the government’s failure to implement data security measures after Chelsea Manning’s leaks allowed Snowden to exploit the same weaknesses.

12/13/16 – Yakov Hirsch on journalist Jeffrey Goldberg and Hasbara Culture – The Scott Horton Show

Yakov Hirsch, a writer for Mondoweiss.net, discusses how Israel’s support for “murdering medic” Elor Azaria shows how much Israelis have internalized their own ethnocentric propaganda; Jeffrey Goldberg’s alternate reality where every critic of Israel is anti-Semitic; and why Netanyahu is going to have big problems getting Donald Trump to put Israel’s interests ahead of America’s.

12/08/16 – Daniel McAdams – The Scott Horton Show

Daniel McAdams, Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute For Peace and Prosperity, discusses the Syrian government’s defeat of rebels in East Aleppo; Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s “Stop Arming Terrorists Act;” and the upside to having Dana Rohrabacher as secretary of state – if Trump chooses him.

12/07/16 – Robert P. Murphy – The Scott Horton Show

Robert P. Murphy, an Associated Scholar with the Mises Institute and author of many books, discusses the Fed-induced booms and busts in the economy and stock market; the bigger-than-ever housing bubble; and where libertarians agree and disagree with Donald Trump’s economic proposals.

12/07/16 – Will Grigg – The Scott Horton Show

Will Grigg, the Managing Editor of The Libertarian Institute, discusses the nineteen year wrongful imprisonment of Christopher Tapp for the 1996 murder of Angie Dodge in Idaho Falls; and why Angie’s mother Carol is convinced Tapp was railroaded by the police and prosecutors and that Angie’s murderer remains at large.

12/06/16 – Mark Perry – The Scott Horton Show

Mark Perry, author of Talking to Terrorists: Why America Must Engage with its Enemies, discusses why incoming Secretary of Defense James Mattis harbors a grudge against Iran; why military officers are a poor fit for civilian oversight positions in government; and Trump’s overestimation of his presidential powers and ability to “give orders.”

12/03/16 – Brad Hoff – The Scott Horton Show

Brad Hoff, Managing Editor of Levant Report, discusses why the Syrian government’s recent military success in East Aleppo won’t stop the insurgency any time soon; the Obama administration’s treasonous support for al-Qaeda and other rebel groups in Syria that previously killed US soldiers in Iraq; and why Trump’s somewhat non-interventionist rhetoric will likely be overcome by his coterie of foreign policy advisors.